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  1. H

    Some Bali photos

    yes they are great photos, and what happy memories too.
  2. H

    Has anyone been to Lovina Beaches recently?

    the prices are pretty good and i guess average really. When i was there, the hotel I stayed at, The Bali Lovina Cottages had no meat,fish, or chicken! they told me it was because there were not enough tourists! My mind went straight to deep freezers! I had to do with something that resembled...
  3. H

    Has anyone been to Lovina Beaches recently?

    I was recently in Lovina for the first time and i was quite amazed at how quiet it was. But i did find a very nice place called Jax Bar and Grill on the main road Kaliasem? It is run by a young guy called Kadek and he had only been open 1 week and not many tourists had visited him so i stayed...
  4. H

    Bali Street Dogs

    :!: Just to clear things up, I also have a sponsored family in Singaraja who also receive my help and which I am very happy in doing so.
  5. H

    Bali Street Dogs

    i care about all pets as well as people. they have a right to a better life if it can be offered, and to those who adopt a dog from the streets of are a wonderful person. I was quite happy donating $60.00 to the Bali street dog fund yesterday in Melbourne and i know that my...
  6. H

    long time no write!!

    i think i have returned to bali 3 times since i wrote on here seeking advice which was very gratefully received and most implemented. My dream, as some of you may remember was to settle in bali but i have since decided to go for a 4-6 month stay first. My recent trips have confirmed my...
  7. H

    Please share your living experience in Bali

    Welcome Farida! For me having lived in a "westernized" country, being Sydney,for too long, there is nothing better i can think of than living in Bali as a Balinese. I have visited Bali 5 times in a year and while i am there i do not read newspapers,watch television,make on line purchases! that...
  8. H

    favorite vacation locations,,,

    BALI......Island of the gods, the only heaven on'll not want to leave.
  9. H

    taking rice to bali

    well tonight, saturday is my last sleep before i go to paradise. i would like to thank all of those who were so kind to send me so much useful info, i have written all the contacts in my notebook. i have taken your advice of buying what i need in bali and shall take it to the charities. once...
  10. H

    taking rice to bali

    I might call heln flavel and see what she says. yes,the koala things are a good idea too. one thing i have to ask you 2...unahappily in sydney.....? me too!....the reason for my many trips there is to look at accommodation etc incase i decide to live there 3-6 months of the year...don't be...
  11. H

    taking rice to bali

    ah! thankyou for that tip. the reason i was going to buy it here was because our local fruit market has a special deal on 5 kg bags and i thought it was a good idea but if you think buying it at Matahari is better then i will....thanks very much....but where do i take it in Bali?
  12. H

    taking rice to bali

    well i was going to buy it here in think this is alright to do?
  13. H

    taking rice to bali

    good morning to you all. i have been trying to find the nearest charity in the Legian area so that i can take 10 kilos of rice and some colouring books etc. i would be grateful if anyone could let me have the names of charities i could take these gifts to. I sponsored a child through the Helen...
  14. H

    retirement in bali

    i am hoping there is somebody with just i little bit of patience on the forum who can help me. after working for 50+ years,usually working 2 jobs, it is time to spend the rest of my life in Bali.After 3 visits, i am sure it is where i want to go,but oh so many web-sites telling me different...
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    oops! typo! Balinese is correct...sorry!
  16. H


    having just returned from my 3rd visit to Bali,and i have to say, the trip that made me decide to go live there.....Kuta is brilliant! forget the terrorists,you can get hit by a car in your home town! I am 65,going on 35! I just love the atmosphere of Kuta, coffee on a sidewalk cafe watching...
  17. H

    Bali knockers

    i am totally overwhelmed at the positive feedback,thankyou so much,you are making it easier for me now! Many thanks
  18. H

    Bali knockers

    I am a little bit annoyed by the people who are knocking Bali. I am just an ordinary single male about to retire and wish to spend the rest of my life in Bali. I am not wealthy by any means, just a simple person who has visited Bali 3 times, the last being a week ago, and once again very sad at...