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  1. C

    New Indonesian Land Law?

    Thomas.....some adjustments have been made to the conditions/length of land lease etc, but Smusdar is right, you still cannot actually own land here as a foreigner - only the property you build on it.
  2. C

    Balinese culture - easy/difficult to adapt?

    Ni Luh, others have answered your questions to me and correctly, so I'll not respond too much. However, you did surprise me with your "Indonesian-with-an-attitude" response. The old "if you don't like it why don't you sod-off elswhere?". I made criticism of a 1/2 dozen points, valid points...
  3. C

    Balinese culture - easy/difficult to adapt?

    Does being open-minded, patient, humorous and accepting 'jam karet' make it easier to turn a blind eye to the pollution, sampah, corruption and environmental destruction?
  4. C

    Balinese culture - easy/difficult to adapt?

    Why do people keep referring to Bali as a "paradise island"? Trash/rubbish/sampah/garbage is thrown just anywhere and all waterways/rivers/streams are polluted and empty into the super-sewer anarchy rules on the overcrowded, badly maintained roads...corruption and fraud thrive...
  5. C

    Indovision Customer Service - or lack thereof!

    Ah...all is revealed in today's Jakarta Post. see "Government Threatens to Ban Star Group From Broadcasting". Colin.
  6. C

    Indovision Customer Service - or lack thereof!

    Yes Roy, I just logged on to convey that information myself but you beat me to it! Strange, though, how they reappeared with as little fanfare and explanation as when they disappeared. Just a banner at the foot of the screen saying that "ESPN/Star Sports has allowed Indovision to use the...
  7. C

    Baptism certificates for wedding?

    Tomos, we provided all those documents mentioned, except a letter from my employer was not required, written parental consent was not required (we both being over 21) and the details of names, religion/faith etc was simply an entry on the document we completed and signed at the Catatan Sipil...
  8. C

    Baptism certificates for wedding?

    Dahlia, I can assure you, we have been legally married 14 years and have the Indonesian documents to prove it. No-one objected, not even the official in the Catatan Sipil who conducted the "civil" marriage and signed the marriage certificate.....the one person guaranteed to require a little...
  9. C

    Baptism certificates for wedding?

    Why do you need to satisfy the authorities that you're the same religion? You don't have to be! My wife is Muslim and I am Christian, we were married here on Bali in a Protestant church, plus the required "civil" marriage in the Catatan Sipil, and the only papers I needed to produce were my...
  10. C

    Indovision Customer Service - or lack thereof!

    Hmm, a quick look seems to show a subscription of Rp200,000-250,000, with the decoder coming free. That'd be monthly, I presume and, as with Indovision, the Indonesian TV channels ("Babyvision" we call them 'cos they're so bloody childish!!) are mandatory. Otherwise it does, at first sight...
  11. C

    Indovision Customer Service - or lack thereof!

    Phil.... totally agree with your assessment of Indovision's previous performance, but, as always here in Indonesia, they had a monopoly. There was no alternative! And I'm positive your wife is correct! Right about now might be an excellent time to put the dish and decoder in the good old...
  12. C

    Indovision Customer Service - or lack thereof!

    Suddenly, on Monday, we were, and still are, missing 6 channels on Indovision satellite TV. With no warning - unless you happened to be watching one of the 2 channels that posted an info strip at the bottom of the screen the day before cutoff!! :x Following the instructions on the info screen...
  13. C

    BEST MARTINIS ON BALI...FROM AN EXPERT’S VIEW it!! He was M.E. Clifton James - Monty's double. He was actually a lieutenant in the army Pay Corps, but he was posted to the Royal Intelligence Corps under strict secrecy as a Sergeant in order to study Montgomery, his speech and affectations etc etc. The whole thing worked too...
  14. C

    ...Finally come springtime

    I knew that, Roy, I was just testing you :!: :oops: Great place he has now, big and airy like a restaurant back in Italy, and it has to be a very busy night if you can't find a table under a fan away from the smokers. Even then, there is the non-smokers' area - which at Massimo's is a...
  15. C


    Roy, I would say at a guess that he was probably relieved and much pleased that he was invited instead to dine, at home, with Bill Gates and family!! Perhaps he even turned down the standard Bush "dinner-at-the-ranch" in favour of the Gates invite!! As you rightly say, Roy, the worst American...
  16. C

    Isn't it amazing

    Perhaps they are there as a sort of last minute test of fidelity - you know, some are absolutely beautiful if you don't know what they are and one could be easily "led on", not realizing it was a test.......and failing miserably!!! :oops: This would definitely not endear you to the in-laws...
  17. C


    Absolutely no idea, Jimbo, but perhaps it could have been your good self? 8) If that's not the case, then can you imagine the NCO's life, having to live with that bunch in their mess??!!! :roll: I guess the situation arose because he was also a Sergeant Major, attaining that rank before the...
  18. C

    ...Finally come springtime

    Massimo's??? My most favourite dining establishment, and a very good friend! Don't tell me you're a "regular" there, are you Roy? We are in there about a couple times a week, at least, I'll look out for you in future......ah, unless you are part of the lunch-time crowd, but you could always give...
  19. C


    Roy, virtually the same arrangement exist wthin the British military re clubs; ie..Officers Mess, Sergeants Mess(sergeants and above), junior nco's(corporals and below) and enlisted mens club. I didn't get to use the officer's mess until some time after leaving the Airforce - I was for several...
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    Roy, the Royal Navy Rum Ration was discontinued for officers in 1881, but was continued for non-commisioned personnel (the rest of 'em) until July 31st 1970. A date now known as "Black Tot Day"! As Roy says, it was issued at dinner time (never called lunch in the Navy, Jimbo, although it was...