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    Here's a great role model for Developers in Bali

    In fairness, you should note that it clearly says that the $250 is the rate per villa, and the $99 is the rate per bedroom for the 3- and 4- bedroom villas.
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    Miss Indonesia Nadine

    Re: RE: Miss Indonesia Nadine The Jakarta Post ran an interesting opinion piece last month discussing the current Miss Indonesia's mixed ethnic background in the context of the new Indonesian citizenship laws: ... 060717.A04
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    Indonesian textiles in Geneva

    This looks like a wonderful exhibition, and may be of interest to forum readers who live or travel in Europe: (from The Jakarta Post) Indonesian woven treasures on show in Geneva Kunang Helmi, Contributor, Geneva Swiss human biologist Georges Breguet is a collector whose passion for...
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    Off topic..

    Re: RE: Off topic.. Arrgggh, it sounds as if somebody is playing the "you can have all the freedom of speech you want unless you disagree with me, in which case you should go Cheney yourself" card. Speaking of Cheney, did the statistics on violence in your World Nut Daily article include...
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    Hi Bert. I just now saw this post. Good luck on your new venture. I'm sure it will be difficult commuting between two homes, but it does sound like a great opportunity. I am also really happy to hear that Dewi is in University! Kudos to both of you! :D
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    The Marriage Pictures

    Pictures What a great album! Thank you, Ringo; it was the next best thing to being there. :D
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    Marriage, Alu, The offer of a Girl

    I wish you and Dewi great happiness in your life together. Please post some wedding pictures here! :D
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    Money Money Money

    Wow, Bert, I'm not sure how to respond to all of this. It sounds like it is definitely time to cut your losses and get on with your happiness. As always, I wish you the very best! Moth
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    Disturbing - Turtle Slaughter

    no excuses! OK, here's a recipe for Creole mock turtle soup from the Upperline Restaurant in New Orleans, so nobody has any excuse for eating the real thing!! 1/4 lb Butter 1/2 c Flour 2 lb Lean stewing beef -- 1" cubes 1/2 c Tasso -- minced 1 1/2 c Onions -- chopped 3/4 c...
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    Disturbing - Turtle Slaughter

    guest speaker Hi Augie. The person to contact regarding the Pemuteran turtle project would be Chris Brown of Reef Seen Aquatics. He is also very involved in coral reef restoration. Telephone 62 (0) 362-92339; e-mail <> I will e-mail you a couple of other...
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    Disturbing - Turtle Slaughter

    turtles Last summer I spent some time in Pemuteran, which is on the north coast and is a good "jumping off point" for snorkeling or diving trips to Menjangan Island. There is a turtle hatchery in Pemuteran, and they are very involved in conservation and education efforts. Visitors can learn...
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    a thoughtful poem

    No problem, Lothar! There is always Fritz Kortner's "Die Sendung der Lysistrata"! Maybe you can get the video. By the way, in yesterday's Guardian (i.e., March 1), there were some excerpts from a new anthology of contemporary Iraqi poets: ...
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    a thoughtful poem

    Lysistrata project In case you haven't heard, Aristophanes' classic anti-war comedy Lysistrata will be presented throughout the world on Monday, March 3, in local readings. There will even be readings in Ubud and Kuala Lumpur---check out locations at the web site below...
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    Harriet wakes

    Hi Lantana Thank you for all the nice things you said---you are very kind :D ! I have been trying to use my spare time more constructively in the last few weeks, and this includes devoting some time to writing. I have been having a lot of fun with it, but none of it has to do with Bali...
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    Harriet wakes

    out of the snow Well, Lantana, you aren't kidding about the snow! We had over 27 inches of the stuff in a 24-hour period starting Monday, which is quite a lot even for New England. But I have a very sunny living room with lots of geraniums and cyclamens in bloom, and was celebrating the birth...
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    a thoughtful poem

    "If you want to be a hero and your IQ's nearly zero The following, by John Robbins, has been making the rounds: "If You Want to Be a Hero and Your IQ's Nearly Zero Do you know the old song "If You're Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands"? Someone (I don't know who) started the idea of...
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    hard times

    I'm sorry to hear about your very great loss, Thorsten. I am glad you have family and Ana Luiza available to support you, and I hope that it helps to know that your forum friends are there with you in spirit as well. Thank you for taking the time to share with us all that you have been going...
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    Bert, darling, I haven't bugged you about writing another Harry story lately, seeing as how you were sick, then busy...but since you brought him up, let me remind you that on Dec. 19, you wrote the following on the Dear Bert thread: "I will do something about my new Harry today, it will be...
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    More Potential Bad News for Bali

    the site below has a lot of interesting news, commentary, and links, from a progressive point of view not always represented in the mainstream U.S. press.
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    More Potential Bad News for Bali

    Roy, your ancestors aren't the only ones watching with dismay from the great beyond. This week the U.S. celebrated a national holiday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, while the Bush administration was making a mockery of much of what the late Nobel peace laureate stood for, including nonviolent...