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  1. G

    Visa on Arrival 30 day

    I should know this but dont ! Back to Bali with my wife (Balinese) in March, I will of course have to get a voa for 30 days. We are off to Java to see her father and family, then off to Singapore to see friends. After Singapore we are going to Batam to see more friends before back to...
  2. G

    A romantic translation ...

    Re: RE: A romantic translation ... Ha ha - I suppose I am a bit on the old fashioned romantic side - open doors for ladies and give up my seat sort of thing. I do have a brother - unfortunately I originate from Stourbridge in the West Midlands and he still lives there, so you best friend...
  3. G

    A romantic translation ...

    Re: RE: A romantic translation ... Hi Tintin, sorry to say I trawled the internet for the picture, it would be nice to be able to draw like this though ! I found the picture after searching through this site where there are some wonderful ones - and also some not so wonderful ones...
  4. G

    A romantic translation ...

    Many Thanks for the replies, sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to you all . So many choices - and of course I trust you all in that the translation is not something entirely different :) So shall I go for Dua hati berpadu hari ini, bersama-sama untuk selama bagaimanapun juga...
  5. G

    A romantic translation ...

    Good evening all ( well it is evening here in the UK ) A long time since my last posting on the forum where I unveiled my plans to marry my fiencee from Bali. We are getting married here in the UK on May 26th, and I am making the wedding cake, a traditional UK cake - rich fruit and 3 tiers...
  6. G

    International Driving Permit

    Ok - today I picked up my International Driving Permit, so I can take my turn at braving the Bali traffic traffic next week ! When I picked it up though I was pointed in the direction of this - specific notation for Indonesia............ Indonesia An IDP is compulsory and must be certified...
  7. G

    How much costs a prostate surgery?

    looking through the website for the above link - surely you can acheive the same with the right additions to your diet instead of paying huge sums of money for someone to concentrate fruit and food extracts into a bottle for you......................... I think I'd prefer to see proof it...
  8. G

    Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

    I voted for number 2 I met Vera in Philadelphia, we were both on holiday there, and we ended up spending the whole holiday together. This was 3 years ago now, we only see each other twice a year, but we are in contact every day. We both cry when its time for her to return to work in Bali...
  9. G

    Marriage type question

    Hi all - thanks for such a good response and some great replies and links for me to follow up on. We wont be getting married on this visit, but as we see each other only twice a year then its good to have as much info as we can find so as to talk about it properly when we do meet :) We...
  10. G

    Marriage type question

    Vera is a Catholic, I am not, some wedding arrangement places say I have to become Catholic to marry Vera in Bali and some make no mention of it (Vera is Indonesian) Do I really have to change religion? I have checked up here in the UK about becoming Catholic - and it seems an involved...
  11. G

    Happy New Year

    Hi all - thanks for the replies :) Roy - ah 1 million Rp, so many noughts to get to grips with again ! Yes - Vera is Indonesian, I think she is registered in Jakarta not Bali and all the paperwork passport etc are from there. Seems strange to me that Vera would have to pay more tax than...
  12. G

    Happy New Year

    Well - it must be nearly a year since my last visit to the forum! so I have a lot of catching up to do. I shall be coming over to Bali again in February :D Last February Vera had just had Appendicitis so we couldnt do too much, this time round I hope we can get out a little more, I say hope -...
  13. G

    Well - I'm hooked ......................

    Just back from my first trip to Bali :) Firstly - apologies to Roy, who I intended to try and meet up with during my visit. My mobile phone with your number in it expired the day I got to Bali, (I think my phone had a bit of a climate shock going from 2 degrees C to 32 degrees and the sim...
  14. G

    So relieved.............

    Well - not long now !! :D Fly out Thursday and arrive Friday night, looking forward to it all bar the flight! Flyings fine - its the length of the UK-Singapore leg that I dont relish. Will be a much curtailed itinerary though - all our exploring plans are by the wayside - Vera still has...
  15. G

    So relieved.............

    Thanks Roy - sorry it took so long to reply - been very busy here for the past week. Just to say Vera is fine and went home yesterday :) I will certainly give you a call when I come over, Vera has been told to take it easy for a week so I am hopeful that she will be nearly back to normal...
  16. G

    So relieved.............

    Well - having said we could meet up Roy - it may be that we cant - Vera sent me a message yesterday saying she was in stomach pain and off to the doc's - and it transpires she had Appendicitis so off she went to hospital - which one I have no idea! Got a message this morning from her saying she...
  17. G

    So relieved.............

    I look forward to it Roy, I am sure we can meet up sometime during our explorations.
  18. G

    So relieved.............

    Thanks for letting me know Bali is ok, and thanks Roy for the link to the Jakarta Post, reports here now say its topping 100,000 and of course this is just from the immediate effects, let alone upcoming water, food, shelter and disease issues. A very bad time, and so difficult to grasp the...
  19. G

    So relieved.............

    Well, I spent 2 hours trying to get Vera on the phone when the earthquake/tsunami disaster appeared on the news here in the UK, and it was a nightmare not knowing what was happening, as the (breaking) news then was very general - listing countries and not specific regions. I finally got...
  20. G

    Hello to all................

    Just thought I'd slot myself back in............................. :wink: Well, thats the plan so far, Vera suggested the first couple of days or so at Jayakarta Hotel - to get myself settled in and so forth, and that then it would be nice to just both get in a car and 'get lost' touring...