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    A Postcard from Cote d'Azur, France

    Milan we want more of your holiday pictures please ..more more merrier
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    coming today to see my house in bali

    lol IS THIS FOR REAL ??? lol lol......
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    Finger Food

    Mimpi manis i would love to help of course with the menus for children party as long i remember children love cheese food as i had nieces and little cousins when one of the family celebrate birthday or any occasion make a little cups of cheese cup cake like muffins look like and springkle...
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    Nasi Goreng

    have you try this Martabak Manis atau Martabak Keju .. so the sweet one its mixed of chocolate and penuts.. and the saltee one mixed of cheeze . so delicious . and if you been lived in Java island this is must to try goreng tempe (street food ) , Gado - gado mixed all vegies steam with peanut...
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    Places You Have Been or Wish to Go in Indonesia

    what an interesting topic thanks to put this on. the place i have been visit whilst i live in Jakarta love "Manga Dua" shopping this shopping mall just brilliant you could pick up so much linen, towels (all sort ), clothing for children and adult, shoes, even i remember now my mom said : can...
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    Rising sea levels and the 100m setback rule

    its a global warming such effect in our life to day cause we consume to much petrol and burnt the ozone :( . rising level of water warning us to slow down by the way we living i saw news from Japan there is a scientific reason why so much chaos caused by carbon emission i know this is scary but...
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    Moving to Bali

    Cost of living its going to be rise in Australia i spend around $300 per week only just grocery $300 x Rp 8,500 = in Rupiah 2,550,000 per week in per month in Rupiah Rupiah Rupiah 10,200,000 which I think live in Bali much better of if you compare with my Cost in Australia. Dont...
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    Moving to Bali

    Balilife are you asking me .if its so at the moment we live in Toorak Melbourne very lovely neighborhood and I think me and hubby love Toorak great place for sure .
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    Moving to Bali

    yes that what my hubby told me as well i am sweet and all glorious words which i am so grateful and thanks everyday that I have beautiful and handsome hubby . by the way as i am a mixed kids from multicultural grand parents and know what the cost living in some country's i dont mind sharing what...
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    Moving to Bali

    Rupiah 100,000 to 200,000 a week in Bali or indonesia yes Mimpi manis as my self as a woman sometime my budget over the limit but Bali and other Indonesian city pretty good price for living . if i Compare when me and hubby live in Usa prices in USA dolar ($150 to $200 per week and petrol...
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    Moving to Bali

    It is not fair if you jump to conclusion regarding Balinese life style and its suitability for others people intending to move to this beautiful country Balinese people friendly and happy. If you compare the life style in Bali and America . its like talking chalk and cheese. With all these...
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    Moving to Bali

    I think its nothing wrong if somebody had a planning to move to Bali as my mom half Balinese and half dutch ... we share those place and i am atm in australia and no one complaint about it. There is always a place for somebody, family who live to changing their life to overseas or do something...
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    Dit forum dat zijn een goed forum natuurlijk bedankt door de tijd ik spreek Nederlands opnieuw voel zoals mijn mamma rechtstreeks naar mij op de mooie weg "ik spreekt hou van mijn mamma" en ja geweldige forums. De geweldige inspanning naar moderator dank u
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    visa on arrival or Kitas

    Re: visa on arival or Kitas See ... itvisa.htm
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    Confused about VISA, info anyone??

    All you need to know as a foreigners before entering Indonesia
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    visa on arrival or Kitas

    Re: visa on arival or Kitas Citizens of other countries not on the visa on arrival or visa free lists will be required to apply for a visa overseas (in their home country) before entering Indonesia. Citizens of any country wishing to stay more than 30 days must also apply for an appropriate...
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    Sengigi Trawangan been there 4 time great place Lombok for Snoorkeeling
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    Nieuwe Bali Vakantie Villas Site

    Hi willen alle slechts te Vlug te zeggen dat hallo en groet naar alle en welke kinda villaontwerp u over te praten?
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    Kumpulan Perkawinan Campur

    Thanks for this useful web site Roy and Eri
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    Roy Thompson of Ubud: 4000 posts.

    I am so new in this forum and I saw plenty of Roy what a great contribution to this forum keep a good job Roy and Eri :)