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  1. S

    Land Ownership

    We did want to do that from the start but it wasn't possible back then, or we just spoke to the wrong person at the time. Will look into later.
  2. S

    Land Ownership

    Hello Britoo, Thank you for the information. I am not sure which hak we have at the moment. I think it is HT. We will find out in a couple of weeks. The HGB sounds a good option but the HT sounds good for now because if we need to be notified first about the sale we can get other family...
  3. S

    Land Ownership

    I have just heard that my father in law has sorted it all out himself last week. He has divided the land between his sons and made certificates for them, and made a certicate for us stating that we own the property on the land and the land can not be sold without our certificate, which does...
  4. S

    Land Ownership

    Thank you spicyayam, the land belongs to my Father in law which has been divided between my wife's brothers. I believe it is all still under my fil's name. They all agreed to build a small house on part of the land for when we come and visit. The whole family are very friendly and everyone...
  5. S

    Land Ownership

    Hello all, I have just joined up and hoping to get your opinion on land ownership. I am a Brit married to an Indonesian woman for 20 years who is also British now. We stay in a house in Bali which is built on our families land so they own it. If we wanted to get a proper lease in our name how...