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  1. S

    Is New Business in Bali Worth It?

    Now a more related thought. I don't really buy into the notion that Steve and I could ever become locals in the timeframe that we would need to be fairly successful (again, success as defined by Steve was make enough profit to support ourselves, family, and part of the local community we're in...
  2. S

    Is New Business in Bali Worth It?

    Roy, Pongken, Bert, First let me reply with a huge Thank You. I left town last week with the feeling that our next step in this project we're working on would be another encylopedia version of Bali prettied up by our knowledge of real estate deals and making projects work. As corny as it...
  3. S

    Is New Business in Bali Worth It?

    Sorry I couldn't wait more than 3 minutes for a response, my mind is just running.... Now I'm about to show my naivety, but the "wild, wild, west" thought has really got me thinking about the governance of business there? Let say Mr. Holiday Inn decides to go open up the newest...
  4. S

    Is New Business in Bali Worth It?

    I appreciate the feedback from both of you. Now I just want to ask more questions.... I guess the main question for now is about my perception of what it's like for any old chump to come start up a business, specifically dealing with the corruption....We had a guest speaker come to class...
  5. S

    Is New Business in Bali Worth It?

    Hey, I'm new to this board. At first I was just taking advantage of the insight that a lot of these posts have to offer for a school project, but now think I can gain/give a little from a conversation.... For full disclosure, I'm one of the 8 Gazillion people working towards an MBA that...