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  1. M

    Fastest Cellular Modem Option?

    Hi All, I am currently using the STarOne / Jagoan cellular internet with a USB CDMA 1X modem. I have heard there is a faster modem I can purchase for use on the same StarOne / Jagoan network. Does anyone know if this is true and where I can buy such a modem? Thanks!
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    Golf In Bali - Any Deals To Be Had?

    Hey Everybody, We have friends coming to visit that are avid golfers and I am wondering what 'deals' might be out there? I have checked out the websites for the few courses here and the prices seem outrageous (especially compared to all other costs in Bali). Does anyone know if there are deals...
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    Best phone card for calls from Indo to North America?

    Any advice on a phone card to use to call North America? Preferably one that lets me call from my cell phone. Thanks!
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    here at last & looking for a playdate for our 4 year old

    RE: here at last & looking for a playdate for our 4 year yeah, we did pm a little! Good luck with your great escape and we will look forward to hearing from you when you get here! Meg
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    here at last & looking for a playdate for our 4 year old

    Hey all, have been posting my questions for ages, and we finally on the Island of the Gods! All is smooth. We are staying outside of Ubud - not even sure exactly where we are, just staring at a rice field and breathing deeply. Our son is 4 and I would love to meet some others with kids...
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    Where do you bank?

    I have read that non-residents are not allowed to open bank accounts in Bali. Where do most of you have accounts open? Other nearby financial centers or just US bank accounts? Any banking tips we should consider as we head out?
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    Headed To Bali - What Compu Equip To Bring?

    Hi All, This is Megabeast's husband. She has been relaying me the messages about internet / trading etc. Thanks for all the help and advice. We leave next week and I was just wondering what computer equipment we should take with us? I will bring a couple of laptops and an LCD display. Are...
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    Thanks Allan, that is a solid suggestion. Will try to find a house quickly when we arrive that has the lines in.
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    Thanks guys. Yeah, I guess WiFi isn't too secure anywhere... have tried to run Thomson on really slow connections, it is miserable. The reliability issue - trying to convince my hubby that the low cost of living in Bali offsets a lot of losses due to tech problems. But he is the one who has to...
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    Hey there, will be in Ubud in 2 weeks, and am stumped on the internet thing. My partner trades stocks on the US & Canadian exchange, so the markets are open through the night.... we tried to find a reasonable hotel with fast internet, seems impossible. A thoughtful hotel owner told us that she...
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    One way ticket ...

    Indo consulate in Ottawa Canada just refused me with a one way ticket for the social visa... re submitting with an airasia ticket to Singapore...
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    I'm leaving, on a jetplane..

    Why do you presume Roy wore undies?
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    One way ticket ...

    we got hella great tickets one-way with air china. It was half or less of doing a return. The Indo Embassy in Canada is trying to get me to show an ongoing ticket for the social visa, but I have been reassured by others that once I start the process I should be ok. I was also told by the...
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    need a reasonable hotel in Ubud with highspeed internet

    Thanks guys. Under a hundred dollars a night for sure - just 3 of us, but our son is little and doesn't take up much space yet. We do need wireless in our room in order to be able to work. Thanks! Will be sure to pass along your greetings Froggy!
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    Dates confirmed, tickets purchased!

    Come to Bali! you seemed so excited! Like I told you before, our son is almost ready for school, but still young enough that if we decide to bounce around for a while we can make it work, so we are rolling the big dice NOW. What blessed folks we are to have to decide between great options! It is...
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    need a reasonable hotel in Ubud with highspeed internet

    Hi, we will arrive in ubud in a few weeks and need a hotel to use as a base while we look for a house. Any suggestions for something reasonable with high speed internet? I know there are a ton of places, but we want to have somewhere to go after 36 hours of travel and know that we can hook up...
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    Immunizations in Bali

    Thanks Vincent! Will look up your Doctor when we get there. I tried to contact the clinics about prices, but nobody was responding... so due to time restraints and dislike for developing avoidable tropical diseases, we have started shots here - I suspect we are in the UK price range. Shame. thanks!
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    Finding Staff/Costs

    You are right Freo, everything is different when taken from theory to practice, but I am grateful for the chance to listen to others experiences in hopes that my own might be at least smattered with a little bit of foresight. Getting oh so excited to move!! Have a sensational day!
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    Immunizations in Bali

    Looking for some info on where to go for tropical disease immunizations in Bali (Ubud??) - and the cost. We are assuming it is cheaper there than in Canada. Also, has anyone had trouble getting JE vaccines? I know there is a world shortage. Thank you!
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    Finding Staff/Costs

    ps :petenjo, HILARIOUS!