Search results

  1. R

    Looking for Expats

    No Evert, I am not in Bali Currently. I would love to move to Bali if I find a Job. I Have skype if you would like to contact me. Raynel.koole1
  2. R

    Looking for Expats

    My last post was in dutch because Evert said he was dutch my bad. I am very interested and I already have sent an e-mail. I really want to know what the pay is ofcourse and what level is demanded to teach. Also very important how will I arrange a place to sleep and stay?
  3. R

    Looking for Expats

    Nou Evert, ik ben degene waar Ramona het over had. Ik zal even een e-mail sturen met mijn cv. Ik hoop vervolgens snel wat te horen! Groet, Raynel