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    Ten of the worst businesses to start

    Very sad :icon_cry:, but books rot / go musty so quickly here, at least now we have an alternative :icon_e_smile: I missed documentaries so much when I first moved to Indonesia, but now we hardly seem to be cut off from anything. It still amazes me that you can now sit on the beach in Bali...
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    Business Domicile Letter

    Yes, this is what I have been told. Managed to get an SD, but then a few months later, at some stage of processing something else, was told it was unacceptable because the IMB of that address was not for commercial use. In Jakarta it's easy as there are so many options and the regulations seem...
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    Business Domicile Letter

    Yes, I think that is what is meant. But for company requirements they want a domicle letter at an address with a commercial IMB (separate from your home address registration). If you work from home and it's a residential IMB then they won't accept it for your company domicile letter. I'm not...
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    Setting up a company - possible to do it yourself

    after two renewals, you could apply for a KITAP wich has a validity of 5 years Thanks Gilbert. Don't know why I had so fixed in my head that each KITAS renewal had to be overseas. A pleasant surprise for me :icon_e_smile:
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    Setting up a company - possible to do it yourself

    1. KITAS visas are renewable every year and require you to leave Indonesia to process the documents at an Indonesian embassy overseas (Singapore is popular because it is close by). 2. This levy is an annual 'tax' to the government for each person with a work permit from your company. 3. As...
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    Business Domicile Letter

    Hi Does anyone here have any experience in getting a surat domisili for a PMA in Bali? Other than the service offered by Okusi, I haven't been able to find any useful information. Thanks in advance