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  1. M


    Reallly SAD! to see these pix
  2. M

    Back Packing

    Thanks man! That's usefull. I am planning my vacation in Bali next month (Feb).From all your post and web sites,I found that Feb is not season for Bali..Advice me whether I can plan my vacation next month.... Thanks to all in Advance
  3. M

    Back Packing

    Thanks Bert! That's Informative..he he :-) I read from news that bali was not affected by tsunami...Any one know that people in Bali are safe.....and quite?
  4. M

    Back Packing

    Hi All, Living in Singapore...Planning to visit Bali next month....I interested doing back packing in Bali..This is my first experience in B.P. Can you people,help me in sending some places or hotels or sites..which could guide me in doing this... Thanks in advance Ganesh