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  • I have just returned to Australia from a one month visit to Bali,this is my 16th visit to Bali over the last 10 years.I am going to lease a small hotel in Bali and employ locals to work within the hotel.I will be living in the hotel to oversee the operations and will be doing all the marketing and bookings.I have 12 years experience in the hotel industry in both London and Australia and I have done a lot of research in Bali and have decided that the best option for me is to Lease rather than Buy a small hotel.
    I have a couple of reliable contacts in Bali but I would be interested in comments from anyone regarding what they think would be the best type of visa for me to apply for,I am over 55 but do not want to apply for the Retirement Visa as this would mean that I could not work.
    I would be interested in hearing from anyone regarding the type of Visa and also any info that they feel would be advantageous for me to know regarding Leasing a small hotel ( 10 to 15 rooms ) Thank You
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