Chris A
I have provided my comment and opinion in post #16[/QUOTE]Yawn, okay.
Yawn, okay.[/QUOTE]What gives you the right to tell others how to spend their money?[/QUOTE]Also forget to mention AFAIK you don't need to be granted a right, ask for permission to express your own opinion or criticize society.
Chris A
Also forget to mention AFAIK you don't need to be granted a right, ask for permission to express your own opinion or criticize society.[/QUOTE]Again, yawn. Please feel free to express your opinion and criticize society as you wish. In the future end-game dystopian world you globalist nuts are wanting to force on everyone, free or unregulated speech will be a thing of the past and my guess is that you are just one of millions of brainwashed useful idiots that will wonder where it all went and why you have so bad. Have a nice day.
Again, yawn. Please feel free to express your opinion and criticize society as you wish. In the future end-game dystopian world you globalist nuts are wanting to force on everyone, free or unregulated speech will be a thing of the past and my guess is that you are just [B]one of millions of brainwashed useful idiots [/B]that will wonder where it all went and why you have so bad. Have a nice day.[/QUOTE]Just so you know, I have travelled to numerous countries around the world, so I have witnessed how the world has changed. I also graduated from top tiers universities. Typically, when someone brings up terms like "idiots" or "brainwashing" without knowing the person background, it is often the one using those terms first who fits that description.
Chris A
Just so you know, I have travelled to numerous countries around the world, so I have witnessed how the world have changed. I also graduated from top tiers universities. Typically, when someone brings up terms like "idiots" or "brainwashing" without knowing the person background, it is often the one using those terms first who fits that description.[/QUOTE] "I also graduated from top tiers universities." You need say no more wrt the brainwashing. I kind of figured as much. Enjoy your Sunday.
As an ex teacher here, i'm nailing my colours to the mast and suggesting Pro Ed is now the number one school in Bali if money is not a restriction to where you choose to send your child.[URL][/URL]There are schools that have had their day, schools that put on a facade for parents and others who purely exist to make money. Happy to discuss that privately.
As the original enquiry was made 5 years ago I wonder if [USER=21474]CalifornianMovingToBali[/USER] actually moved to Bali and used which school?
Hi frogusmaximus, Your thoughts on Bali Independent School (formerly Bali International School) ie Australian curriculum? Cheers and Happy New Year