Java Jazz Festival 2024 Announces Line-up

Speaking at a press conference held in Senayan on Wednesday (20/3/24,) President Director of Java Festival Production, Dewi Gontha, announced the line-up for this year’s 19th Java Jazz Festival, which will return for three days from May 24 to 26, 2024, at JIExpo Kemayoran in Jakarta, according to reporting from Tempo.

Dewi said that hundreds of musicians and many guest stars from Indonesia and abroad will be performing over eleven stages, including Laufey for a Special Show, October London, Rai Thistlethwayte, 92914, Ron King, Paul Brown, Leo Amuedo, Incognito, Scatter The Atoms That Remain, Romantic Echoes, among others.

Meanwhile, Indonesian musicians include Nadhif Basalamah, Project Pop, Ardhito Pramono, Ananda Badudu, Suara Kayu, Okaay, KIM, Bilal Indrajaya, Warna Reunited, KSP Band and Idgitaf.

Tempo is reporting that tickets for the event are available at the official website of Java Jazz Festival 2024.

Dewi confirmed that the special show will feature Icelandic-Chinese singer-songwriter Laufey. “There will be a separate ticket for the special show featuring Laufey,” she announced.

She claimed that her side is committed to presenting Laufey again at this year’s Java Jazz Festival to maintain the great enthusiasm of the audience given the musician’s impressive performance at last year’s festival, according to Tempo.


Source: Tempo

Stock photo by Jens Thekkeveettil on Unsplash


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