According to reporting from Tempo, PT XL Axiata Tbk (IDX: EXCL) booked IDR 32.34-trillion in revenues throughout 2023, an 11-percent increase year-on-year (yoy). The Jakarta-based mobile telecommunications services operator also posted a 12-percent EBITDA growth to IDR 15.89-trillion, yoy.

The revenue and EBITDA hike allowed XL Axiata to earn a net profit of IDR 1.28-trillion, a 15-percent yoy increase. Tempo reports that the company said the increase in revenue was supported by data traffic, which rose 21-percent yoy to 9,638 Petabytes. The contribution of data and digital services to the company’s total revenue reached 91-percent. Meanwhile, its quality customer base stood at 57.5-million.

XL Axiata president director and CEO, Dian Siswarini, said that improving digital facilities, network infrastructure quality, and adopting relevant technology in all business lines allowed the company to improve its service quality and boost data traffic.

“That contributed to an ARPU (average revenue per user) of IDR 43,000,” he said in a written statement on Monday (12/2/24.)

The company also spent 2023 carefully taking efficiency measures in all business lines, including reducing the cost of sales and marketing to six percent. Overall, EXCL was able to keep its increase in operating expenditure (OPEX) lower than revenue growth, says Tempo.

According to Dian, the lower sales and marketing expenses were driven by the increased use of digital facilities such as MyXL and AXISnet apps. At the end of last year, both apps recorded a combined 29-million monthly active users, almost twice that of 2022’s position.


Source: Tempo

Stock photo by Tomas Sobek on Unsplash

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