Ministry: EV Battery Waste Must be Handled Properly

In a statement from Vinda Damayanti Ansjar, the Director of Waste Reduction at Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry on Wednesday (22/11/23), Indonesia must ensure that electric vehicle (EV) battery waste must be handled properly to prevent heavy metal pollution in the environment, especially in the groundwater, according to reporting from Antara News.

She said that an environmental permit from the designated agency is needed to manage battery waste, which is included in the category of hazardous and toxic materials (B3), adding that the use of B3 waste must be maximized. If it can still be reused, then it must be utilized for something useful.

“The reuse of B3 waste is being prioritized with approval from the related authority,” she said.

Her party issued Decree Number 22 of 2021 to regulate the implementation of environmental licensing procedures and the authority of the provincial/district/city governments to grant them, say Antara News.

If producers or managers of battery waste are found negligent, they will be sanctioned with penalties laid down for environmental pollution caused by B3 waste, Ansjar said.

“The waste manager must have environmental permits and technical approval to utilize waste batteries. Permits supervision by relevant agencies will also be carried out,” she added.

Antara News report that the decree regulates details regarding the protection and management of water quality, air quality, sea quality, control of environmental damage, and the management of B3 and non-B3 waste. It also guarantees funds for the restoration of environmental functions.

Additionally, it provides an explanation concerning environmental information systems, guidance and supervision, and the imposition of administrative sanctions. A basic understanding of the decree is emphasized in the technical guidance.

Source: Antara News

Stock photo by Kumpan Electric on Unsplash

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