
Sep 17, 2008
I haven’t a clue. Enlighten the situation if you please.

Since everyone keeps talking about this is a Paradise island I really would like to find out why and how this is a Paradise.
Paradise it’s a BIG word and to tell you the truth Bali doesn’t get near to be a Paradise and most of the time (95%) is like HELL.

Feel free to punch back at me but it want make any difference whatsoever I will not even get upset in anyway.

And for all those who are really thinking this is a Paradise I do feel sorry for you and respect your opinions.

Have another beautiful day in Paradise. :icon_razz:
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Jul 10, 2008
I don't think it is paradise, I think it's a nice place to live, with much more both good and bad underneath the surface than most people see in a short trip. I have to wonder though, if you think it is like Hell 95% of the time, then why would you choose to live here?


Mar 3, 2010
Hey Lumbumba

Im not punching... I'm nodding in agreement

I totally totally agree with you

I think half the time people say it because its the "thing" to say

Paradise my sweet petutsi!

There may be things people love about Bali and good luck to them, but paradise is a misnomer


PS For those of you who might say .. why are you here? typical ignorant question as there are many answers, but discord in Bali seems to be something that we shouldn't vocalise . eeeeveryting is wonderfull....eeeeverything is great... OK right

BUT .... my home is on the market and I'm gone soon as its gone.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Come and live in Saudi Arabia and then do a comparison. It is all relative to what you are comparing this with. Try comparing with say Kyrgizstan or Mongolia. Sure there are problems but in the main life is pretty good. Most people come to live a loy cheaper but with a higher standard then in their own company, some to work or have a business and some because they have family there through a wife or husband.

Paradise is where you go to when you are dead, every place else has problems?

Kura Kura

New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Getting good consistent waves all year round, warm water ( no wetsuit), heaps of time in the water all year round ( fishing, snorkelling, diving), island hopping at the drop of a hat when you know somewhere in the region is going to have world class surf by the time you get there intead of having to book a boat trip 6months in advance for bulk coin and then get there and it's tiny. Get out there people there's more to Bali and Indonesia than Seminyak.


Mar 3, 2010
Paradise is where Muslims go when they are dead

The English word paradise is not a Muslim word and we have our own definition of what it means

The original post talks about the western version of Paradise and asks why Bali is given that description

Not about comparisons with other places like Saudi Arabia or even Australia

Why is Bali described as paradise?

Still no answers I see



Oct 10, 2007
Why is Bali described as paradise?

Still no answers I see


Good weather
Smiling and friendly people
Green everywhere and beautiful sourroundings
Colourful, culture, music, dances, traditional village, simple life..............
Hehehe many spanish people still think Bali has many beautiful beaches
uhhhhhhhhhhh I could mention many many things I like about Bali but on the end........... what I really want to say it is that I love Bali as much I hate it!!!!!!!! for now I think this is enough.

Kura Kura

New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Paradise is where Muslims go when they are dead

The English word paradise is not a Muslim word and we have our own definition of what it means

The original post talks about the western version of Paradise and asks why Bali is given that description

Not about comparisons with other places like Saudi Arabia or even Australia

Why is Bali described as paradise?

Still no answers I see


Figure it out for yourself then.


Mar 3, 2010
Good weather
Smiling and friendly people
Green everywhere and beautiful sourroundings
Colourful, culture, music, dances, traditional village, simple life..............
Hehehe many spanish people still think Bali has many beautiful beaches
uhhhhhhhhhhh I could mention many many things I like about Bali but on the end........... what I really want to say it is that I love Bali as much I hate it!!!!!!!! for now I think this is enough.

I am genuinely glad that you love Bali, its your honest feeling and that's to be respected

I feel differently

Good weather ...... Hardly Boiling hot, and either dry and dusty or pouring rain

smiling Friendly people - who's smiles don't reach their eyes and most of whom will take from you as soon as they have a chance. (Whether its an overcharge here or downright stealing and Ive experienced the lot... regularly.... it's the way things work here

Green everywhere - only where theres no people - Up near where you are is green, but in the Kuta to Umalas area the land is disappearing and trees are are rarity unfortunately - greed is ever changing this island - why should a 50 year old tree get in the way of money? Its not green on the southern half

And the beaches.... dirty dirty dirty and as far as swimming on the west side? swim in sewage? no thanks

You want beautiful beaches, go to any beach on Australia's 10,000 mile coastline

You want tropical, beautiful weather, lovely people, gorgeous trees green and flowers and sweet smelling air instead of petrol/gas fume filled air... try Kauai in Hawaii... I doubt there's anyone who'd challenge that place being called paradise

all Im saying is ... a little perspective

Bali has good points.... its cheaper than some places, but Paradise it is not



Mar 3, 2010
Figure it out for yourself then.

Nothing for me to figure. The original question was not mine and I already know this place isnt any form or shadow of paradise

You made a good point for why Bali is paradise for surfers and good on you

No need to be stroppy though, just because we disagree. This is a discussion

Your points are valid for you

Mine are valid for me



May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Bali is paradise to some, hell for others. As Blondie expressed, life in Bali for her sounds like hell. Depending on what experiences crop up for an individual obviously determines ones perspective. Hawaii, has superior beaches, clean air, however the cost of living is definitely mucho dinero! Yet, the rich culture of Bali, and the terraced rice fields, along with some spectacular surf and ocean views are compariable in my book. Robbery, can happen anywhere; whether one lives in the US, Bali, Hawaii, or where ever. There is something called Astrocatography which determines your energies around the globe---based on your time of birth, and place of birth. While a particular location can be very favorable for some, others can have some hellish energies in the same location. For me I have jupiter a direct line through Bali which describes alot of good vibes for me. HOwever, where I was born in San Diego, Ca I was born on a direct pluto line which was a very heavy experience. Exactly what the analysis described is what I encountered while growing up there. Didn't know about this astrological analysis until I was long gone from living in San Diego.
In fact, I went to Bali to test factors in my personal global map and wow what the analysis depicted for me personally in Bali did take place.
Generally speaking, your personal map of the world tremendously effects how we relate to a certain place, our experiences, luck, love, contentment, health, etc.

Maybe, Blondie, Bali does not hold for you good vibes based on your personal global map. I've interrupted about 20 maps for friends and family and it is quite remarkable how accurate the personalized map for a person can be. Good luck where ever you move to.


Aug 29, 2009
For me Bali is a great place to live and bring up kids. Way too much alcohol and drugs around for me in my home country, Australia. I know all the stuff that goes on here, I don't have my head in the sand, but my balinese wife and her family have a very different lifestyle here than we would have in Oz. As for the surf, well the last 3-4 years have got out of control here in Bali. Good excuse to surf in Sumartra off season, I was just there last month on an island with 2 other people on it. Only thing here that makes me crazy is the driving, unfortunately I am the morning drop off driver for the school run.
We build houses here and getting anything done at anytime is easy, same could not be said for my other countries, mind you it helps having a local wife,who is the site manager.
As for the paradise tag for Bali,well it's just a marketing tool...where is paradise?I don't know, but for me Bali is cool, easy to live , not too many rules and great for getting around S.E Asia.

Kura Kura

New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Nothing for me to figure. The original question was not mine and I already know this place isnt any form or shadow of paradise

You made a good point for why Bali is paradise for surfers and good on you

No need to be stroppy though, just because we disagree. This is a discussion

Your points are valid for you

Mine are valid for me


Good for you then.

On the flipside of this discussion I bet lots of Indonesians think the West is some sort of paradise as well. That myth gets debunked once the daily grind of chasing your tail hits home.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Paradise is where Muslims go when they are dead
Then it's almost an appropriate definition for Bali. According to the Hadith (not the Quran), in Paradise one will be given, among other things, 72 WIVES. I don't know about you, but for me 2 wives were enough (i divorced the first one), and 72 wives surely would be Hell.:icon_rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
As for the paradise tag for Bali,well it's just a marketing tool...where is paradise?I don't know, but for me Bali is cool, easy to live , not too many rules and great for getting around S.E Asia.

Spot on! And I think it works best when marketing to people from colder climates. Someone battling the rigors of a winter freeze can dream of a land where its always warm, you can swin every day, etc - it must be paradise. You will often find the words tropical and paradise used together.

But then, going back to the original question - why Bali? There are many beautiful beaches in tropical settings all over Indonesia. What makes Bali special? I think it is the people. I don't agree that the smiles are fake, or with some of the other negatives mentioned in this thread .


Mar 3, 2010
I'm really liking this forum

Good healthy discussions and no nastiness that I've seen. Just smart communicative people with really varied opinions

Hi guys



Feb 16, 2010
People are mostly happy in Bali that's why they call it a paradise based from their experiences. You know, when people visits a place and they think they had the best time of their life there, they would end up saying, "I think I've been to a paradise". :)


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

Tell us why you are in Bali especially as you seem to dislike it. As an aside I have lived and worked in 41 different countries and would describe none as paradise however Bali or more correctly what I get out of Bali are close.