Care to tell which shampoo you are using and if it's safe for humans? (joking)
I can't remember the name and I am not able to take a look right now.
But you get it from pet shops or Hardys. It clearly shows it is to be used for tick and flea protection, in English.
I got the one for black dogs after a while of not doing that. One plastic bottle is just under 90K as I recall. You'll get around 4-5 months from one bottle with 2 dogs.
When you prepare a second bottle, pour enough in to bring the level to about 5cms. Then mix the water in slowly.
Kadek uses a round plastic container and pours some of the mix into there.
He gets around 5 washes of 2 dogs per bottle of mix.
Then I mix a new batch.
Don't use the stuff straight from the original bottle. It's too strong and you have to rinse it all off anyway.
I wouldn't let a human use it but it is probably quite OK, given your hands come into contact with it each time.
At Hardys there's a gold coloured bottle and the black one. Black is more appropriate for me even though I couldn't really see the final effect much at all.
It has a slight 'I have just had a doggie bath' odour afterwards that lasts max 12 hours.
Give your K9 a biscuit or treat afterwards.
Also feed him steamed (not boiled or baked) sweet potato - the yellow honey one - about 4 days a week. Within the week you'll notice how shiny his coat is and any hair molting will greatly diminish.