Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
I think the much larger issue at play here, is that it's foolish for a foreigner to rely solely on Indonesian bank accounts, even if living full time in Indonesia. I know a few who do, and their lives are all the more stressful for it.

Being in a coma has its negative points, for one you can't keep nipping out to the ATM, secondly, calling into your overseas bank branch is pretty awkward as well, they are not very keen at all on bodies on gurneys, drip feeds and machines that go 'Beep beep beep'.
Both my overseas banks DBS and HSBC carried on applying 'bank charges' whilst I was 'financially inactive' until of course that unacceptable account balance lower limit was plumbed, then both accounts were closed and now I have to rely totally on my Indonesian accounts ... pretty foolish of me to allow that situation eh?

Anyway, being in a coma does have plus points, for one you get plenty of sleep, secondly you don't have to bother with all that toilet/bathroom stuff, thirdly the drugs are good and legal.

Checked PP and so far no refund for me ... yet.


Jul 10, 2008
Pretty sure to get the refund you would first need a paypal debit card and have used it outside the US since 2008. I am calling once their lines open up to confirm this. There's my biggest complaint about paypal - it's 2014 and they still don't have 24 hour customer service? Shame on them.

The great thing about the internet is it allows you to do things like apply for bank accounts from anywhere in the world, even using a VPN if your bank doesn't appreciate such practices. I digress though, because as much as I'd truly like to help, I've come to realize there's a point where help and advice is just a nuisance if the other party is insistent they can't be helped.

Cheers and best of luck, Joe.

Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
The great thing about the internet is it allows you to do things like apply for bank accounts from anywhere in the world...unless your primary residence is Indonesia


Active Member
Dec 3, 2011
The great thing about the internet is it allows you to do things like apply for bank accounts from anywhere in the world...unless your primary residence is Indonesia

My primary residence is Sanur Bali Indonesia and have opened up a new york usa citibank account and a bank of america account in the last few months from my laptop . I have also opened a few different indo bank accounts with only a sosbud and have met each banks requirements.

Maybe a problem with attitude or your demeanor when you do it.


Jul 10, 2008
Look up the term “VPN” or “how to use a VPN to appear like I’m in the UK” on Google. You will find that it’s actually very easy, and often free to appear as if you’re calling a bank from within the UK. Your bank (or any bank) in the UK has no reason to know you are in Indonesia, or anywhere else, unless you tell them. If they ask you to come in to the branch, tell them the truth, that you are in a coma and can only correspond via phone or email.

This will be my last post in this thread or on these sorts of topics

And it saddens me to say that, but not as much as it truly saddens me to think about how unfortunate you’re making your situation for yourself.

I understand fully that some of these systems and services people are talking about may be new to you. I also fully understand that your medical condition prohibits you from doing several things that would be otherwise easy for other people.

I also fully understand your want and need to provide something long-lasting for your family’s future, which I believe is the reason people are still attempting to help you do exactly that. I really and truly want you to be able to do that, which is why

I’ve tried again and again to point you in the right direction for you to get things set up in a way that will be sustainable and automated forever, or at least until someone decides to turn off the revenue stream.

In all honesty, every single problem that you’ve posted on this forum and the LivinginIndonesia forum has been solvable. People have attempted to provide you with solutions, and you come back with excuses of why you can’t use those solutions, and why things are so unfair. In reality though, all of those problems are solved pretty easily, except one - your mindset, which is much more difficult to fix.

I won’t pretend for a second to know what it must be like to go through life with the hand you’ve been dealt, or the effects that it must take on your mental state/psyche. That said, you’re acting as your own and your family’s worst enemy by insisting that everything sucks, nothing works, and never will.

Believe me, I know a defeatist mindset can be tough to beat, but it is possible to do, and makes your situation so much
better once you finally do.

What you’re trying to here for your family’s future is commendable, and my one and only hope is that you can see through your own mental roadblocks that will help you to provide for them while you are still here with them.

I ask you to please take a step back from your situation as a whole, and read through all the threads where advice has been offered to you with a much more positive outlook. I operate in your exact industry Joe, and use all of the systems and services you’re talking about, so I am 100% confident the right answers are there if you’re willing to accept them.

It may be tough to hear, but I will reiterate: what we’re talking about here is your family’s future. Please do the right thing and change your mindset about things and let people help you. Not only will it provide income for them in the future, but it will make the years you have left to spend with them much more enjoyable.

You don’t need to respond to this either in public or in private, and I don’t claim to be the end-all resource on these sorts of topics. I just sincerely hope you can work through whatever it is that’s causing you to approach things in this way while you still have the time to do so.

Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
Some say 'negative mindset' others say 'realistic' ... but that's the way it is, all part of the rich tapestry of life.

I do appreciate all the positive advice and comments but I will reiterate, without the resources and the financial means to access to a lot of the facilities and services pretty much sucks...but on the bright side least it isn't snowing! Yet.


Jul 10, 2008
It's really too bad you feel that way Joe, and I wish you the best.

Before I duck completely out of the thread, and you consider me to be someone who is trying to come down hard on you, or just being "American", I will leave you with this:

I am 100% confident that all of your issues including: book cover design, setting up a bank account outside of Indonesia, getting money out of Paypal, getting paid from Amazon and getting your books reviews posted on Amazon, are all things that can be accomplished for free, with resources available to every human being regardless of physical condition.

I really do mean it when I say I'd like to help you. If at any time you would like to attempt to solve any of the problems above you may be having, please contact me privately and I will assist you with getting them handled, free of charge.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Americans..doncha just love 'em?

Not especially, no. But I do know personally that calitobali is one of the rare gems and a very smart cookie to go with it. If he is offering assistance, I'd surely take it up if I was you.

Plus, it might keep him off the turps for a few extra win for all ;)


Jul 4, 2011
Yeah they sure do suck, but not quite as bad as the alternative...

If you are from US,Can,Aus .. and some other countries in which paypal is forced to play "by the book" then you are ok (more or less)!
In much of the rest of the world ... in case of problem you will be f*cked quite often !

And alternatives like Perfect money ... Web Money, Skrill and others comes quite handy ... when your paypal acc get frozen ... and you are getting generic answers on any email question sent after 3 day !
Or if you try to call them or ebay .. you get some Indian guy for "help" who is redirecting you indefinitely on prime rate international number etc etc ...


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Although I have been known to complain just a tad on occasion I have to give fair dues where they are due and Paypal central in Singapore where as helpful as could be and even called me back when the conversation got too long/expensive. They sorted out my problems and got me up and running as quickly as possible.

Try them on - +65 6510 4584


Jul 4, 2011
Wich operator have chapest rates for Singapore !?? :D I actuall should prepare myself do deal with Paypal asia ! :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I keep a little bit of credit in my Skype account for calling banks and such. Works pretty good.