Paypal is pretty bad in some ways, but none of the points raised here are really relevant. Yes, for your own security, you need to verify your identity, using a credit card of some sort. This is even more strictly enforced in a country like Indonesia, where fraud is rampant.
Don't get hung up on the fact that you have to give them your credit card, it just needs to be on file to verify your identity, then you can transfer in and out of your bank accounts (even Indonesian ones) as you please.
Personally, I believe you are shooting yourself in the foot by going back to Western Union as your payment processor due to some hangup you have with using a credit card to verify your identity.
I'll put it this way: If I went to a site to buy a product (in your case, your book) and saw Paypal as an available option, I would click buy, pay within 15 seconds and be done with it. If I saw Western Union as the payment option, I would close the window and look elsewhere for the product. If, like in your case, the product was not available somewhere else, I simply wouldn't buy the product because I refuse to deal with Western Union unless absolutely necessary, and there are almost no online shopping situations where Western Union is absolutely necessary.
While I disagree entirely with all the points made above speaking negatively about Paypal, if you would like to discuss their other negatives features, such as their ability to freeze your account and seize your funds at their discretion without a reason (they are NOT a bank and not governed by the same laws) or their complete lack of fraud protection for sellers when selling non-physical goods, then I'm all ears and have some horror stories to share.
"Bottom line, if you are willing to give them your credit card and banking details they will work with you, if not you are in for a a load of bollocks.
Yes, this truly is the bottom line. They need to have your banking details so they can get the money into your bank, and they need another form of ID (such as a credit card or debit card) to verify that you in fact own the bank account in question, so they don't release your funds to a scammer. If you truly can't deal with this, then you are indeed stuck with Western Union which most of your customers will be reluctant to use.
As someone who sells something, it's your job to make the entire process as easy as possible on the buyer to reduce friction on their end.
This all sort of comes back to the Amazon problems you had in another thread. 99% of people are able to use Amazon and Paypal without issues, so it's a little hard to believe that these issues are "them out to get you" or anything like that. You just need to accept the fact that this is how these systems work, or accept the fact that you are unwilling to work with these systems (and all the consequences that come from not embracing them).