Long time


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Been a long time since I wrote in here and was surprised to find it still on line. I will be arriving in Bali n the 11th but only passing through on my way to Makassar. However I will be back on May 30th to stay for a short while. Really looking forward too it as it has been a long time since I was last there.

The retirement saga was finally over in 2013 when I made y last trip in January to tie up sum loose ends. Now I will never know why I did not do it earlier as It has been great. I am keeping busy with lots of holidays, going to the gym 3 times a week ( Still fat though) and a new hobby I took up which is target shooting in which I shoot at competitions and if I say so myself am not bad. Mainly though I delight in annoying my wife Maria :)

Until I return I shall be working on my house in Makassar and seeing the hundreds of in laws. I shall also loose Maria who will be constantly talking to her relatives in Bahasa Torajan which even after all this time (34 years) I still do not know. Still I have my computer with 2 terrabytes of films and music along with my IPAD and IPOD to keep be company.

I will be in Sanur from May 30th.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Hey Jimbo,
as I remember we almost hooked up in the boarding area of DPS airport about 8 years ago so if you're passing by Candi Dasa in your time on Bali give me some notice (a day or 2) and I'll happily compare tall tales of forum fools and heroes or just war stories of Indo. I've got my daughter here from the 15th so not sure about short term meetings but give us a shot!


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Relaxing here in Makassar and catching up on sleep in between eating lots of fish and supervising some small repairs and painting to my house. Maria is spending money like water but as its her money that's fine :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Funny aint it, you ever notice "our" money is hers and "her" money is also hers?

hahaha...I also noted that.....I'm sure this is written in all mother/daughter teaching handbook..."Always refer to 'your' money as 'yours' but 'his' money as 'ours.'"


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Well 9 months has passed and we are back in Toraja at the beginning of Feb for 7 weeks and then back to Bali for a 10 day holiday in Legian and surrounds. I find it much easier to get cheap flights to Bali than to Jakarta and then on to Makassar. It gives me the excuse to have a holiday in Bali on the way back so hopefully once a year there.

The other part of my life in the UK goes on with all my children (6) either married or with permanent partners. Maria is on Skype or FG messenger
to our family now spread all over Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke but at least it mostly free thanks to the miracle of modern communication :)

Still look in here from time to time and its good to see some of the old faces still in here.


Oct 10, 2007
Hello Jimbo! How are you? I read many of your post for years in the old forum, I remember sometimes you was talking about to retire partially in Bali, between Bali and Makasar or Tana Toraja, even you was mention the possibility to make a house here if I am not wrong, what make you to decide not to do it?
Where are you living finally now? in UK?
Have a great time in Indonesia in February, I only been once in Tana Toraja, more than 20 years ago and I remember I cried looking the view from Batutumonga, I dream to come back there some day, beside I have a friend who was working in Bali from Rantepao and finally she got married and back to Tana Toraja, so I really hope to go back there.
All the best Jimbo


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Hi, Jimbo, nice to hear from you after such a long time (I had missed your last comments, in April) . It looks like everything in your life is going as planned, and I rejoice with you. Take care.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Hello Jimbo! How are you? I read many of your post for years in the old forum, I remember sometimes you was talking about to retire partially in Bali, between Bali and Makasar or Tana Toraja, even you was mention the possibility to make a house here if I am not wrong, what make you to decide not to do it?
Where are you living finally now? in UK?
Have a great time in Indonesia in February, I only been once in Tana Toraja, more than 20 years ago and I remember I cried looking the view from Batutumonga, I dream to come back there some day, beside I have a friend who was working in Bali from Rantepao and finally she got married and back to Tana Toraja, so I really hope to go back there.
All the best Jimbo

The reason I never retired to Bali was the complexity of owning property there. I found it difficult to trust after reading and seeing the horror stories of what could happen.
I own a house in Makassar where my wife's younger brother looks after it full time and is totally trustworthy. That has become our base. We also have the family home in the village in Toraja which has 6 bedrooms one of which is ours. We come to Indonesia every year partly in the winter of the UK where we have our main home.
It took a lot of hard work and putting off retirement several times to save the money to have all we have and a comfortable retirement but the main reason being that my wife Maria can be looked after when I am gone.

Otherwise all is good with just a few old mans aches and pains otherwise in good health.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Hi Jimbo,

Glad to hear you are still around and in good health. Not far from making the big leap myself, albeit a bit sooner and no doubt on a more humble scale. Congrats to you buddy.