Indonesia considering 5 year remote working ("Influencer") visa


Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
If you marry an Indonesian you initially need to apply VITAS at an overseas embassy that is then converted into a 1-2 year KITAS/MERP on arrival. You are not allowed to work in or from Indonesia, but still (on paper) liable for tax of worldwide income. Now it appears "influencers" can just apply for a 5 year visa, allowed to work remotely from Bali and not liable for overseas income. Wow.

Maybe I should give this "influencer" profession a shot...

On the other hand it might not happen as it seems to be "difficult" to monitor what all these expats are doing in Bali:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Personally, I doubt this will ever happen. It's quite a difficult process to change the tax laws, and would require the whole government to get on board (especially the Ministry of Finance), as well as Parliament. Wishful thinking by the Tourism Minister is not enough. In any case, if it were to happen as reported, there would be a long queue of spousal Kitas/Kitap holders looking to change to this new program, including me:D
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
Apparently this digital nomad visa idea is now to be fast tracked. Now it is specifically mentioned that "Freelancers will soon be able to work tax-free in Indonesia ... as long as their earnings come from outside Indonesia". However, details are to be worked out...

According to "", see link below: "A total of 26 countries currently accept digital nomad visas: Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Cabo Verde, Cayman Islands, Croatia, Curaçao, Dominica, Dubai, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Montserrat, Norway, Seychelles, Spain, Taiwan, and The Czech Republic."



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Like others have said, I don't think this will come into effect anytime soon. It is amazing how many times I have seen this headline popping up everywhere. Kind of like the one about foreigners being able to buy [freehold] property in Indonesia.
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Active Member
Dec 31, 2018
Like others have said, I don't think this will come into effect anytime soon. It is amazing how many times I have seen this headline popping up everywhere. Kind of like the one about foreigners being able to buy [freehold] property in Indonesia.
The year or two gone by I'd absolutely agree with you, but is this a possible indication of progress?



Active Member
Dec 17, 2021

Another visa idea moving forward: Gov. reporting 'progress' on Second home visa. Still no details:

This Second home visa was in the news back in early 2021.

Compared to Malaysia it appears the idea is to offer half the duration (initial 5 vs 10 yrs) for double the deposit (IDR 2Milyar vs RM300,000)...



Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
From today news appears that the dedicated digital nomad visa idea has been put on hold. Probably parked in the 'too hard to do' spot.
Now the tourism minister is instead promoting use of B211 visa for digital nomads (instead of VoA) working for overseas companies, upgraded to KITAS if doing business locally. No further details offered.

Looks like agents already are offering KITAS 'packages' for digital nomads:

On another note the president is apparently fed up by immigration leadership after receiving numerous complaints related to VoA and KITAS.
I have assisted visitots with 30 days VoA extension, and it is required with 3 visits to immigration (similar to KITAS extension) which is a bit of a hazzle for those located far away from immigration office. This should be possible to apply and pay for online for tourists.
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