I would like to make this forum

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Hi y'all,
just wanted to thank the people who think the same as me,: ).
Markit said" he's only been here a little while", by that timeline/standard I am still a greenhorn (newbie) here, hihihihi. This is the first forum I have joined and I like it alot :), but as it is all very new to me, I choose my words very carefully, (also because English is my third language). I do not wan't to come across as a dominant bully or with someone with the IQ of a goldfish, so I do my best to be respectfull to other members and value their opinion, even if I don't share that opinion.
So thanks again for letting me know I didn't do anything wrong.
friendly greetings.........Gilbert.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The only thing you've done "wrong" Gil is to be way too nice for the rest of us :lol: I, for one, am not used to people being so thoughtful and considerate.

Gosh, you used to have to be prepared to fight a blood feud here to say "good morning". :lol:

Keep it up, I like it. Can't pretend to be able to be as nice but will try...

In that vein;

Have a wonderful day and may all your children be boys (unless, of course you want girls).


Dec 27, 2008
Something that has had me puzzled for a while is this forum had so many active members some yrs ago yet nothing near to that many now :?
So what big event happened to dwindle the active membership ?
I hate forums where posters who have a good ability with words put other less gifted down and in the end new posters never feel comfortable and never return,everybody has bad days and my advise is to only post on your good days that way you may not write something you may later regret,i sometimes write things that later i regret but the last thing i would want to do is have a row with somebody in a forum the whole thing just sounds so childish,anyway this forum kind of slowly grows on you there are some friendly posters here and that is the winning ingredient :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The problem with only posting on your good days Anton is, personally, I only know they are good days on the day afterwards :lol:


Apr 6, 2009
Anton said:
Something that has had me puzzled for a while is this forum had so many active members some yrs ago yet nothing near to that many now  :? I was wondering the same thing? It's good to get a wide cross section of active members. I see the ist of members totals about 1600 but do we now how many are actively using and posting on the forum?Not that it matters I like the forum and will stay here until I outwear my welcome  :twisted:


Dec 27, 2008
aquaman i think this forum has some dark secrets Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :shock:

Hihihihihihihihihihihihihi abit like one of those big old houses at night :shock:

aquaman maybe all the old users are stashed in some pod's hidden in some dark unused quarry waiting to take over the island Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hihihihihihihihi :shock:

Just make sure you dont build your house to far out of town :mrgreen:


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Markit – maybe you might get this. Cos many others don’t.

Btw you said you were going to get your “mighty man” avator back up and I still see the crying Roy baby. What’s happening brother?

Now a few others are inquiring about the old posters in the “IWLTMTF” thread.. And if you take a look I pulled this one post up (cos I thought the forum lacked a little lustre when I returned recently) exactly 2 months to the day to see if we could help answer the contributions that Lothar first raised.

Jim got it straight away. Check what he said.

Alexandre put a bad spin on it. And Daniel quickly put that person in his place… as only Daniel can do as he has much credibility…. Not sure why this guy quits so often but he always seems to come back and cause shit. Not dan but Alex.

Anyways… next thing, Gilb chimes (for some reason) (he reminds me of Bali life in many ways when he first joined and now has said so much and departed for now) in for some reason and he again gets the wrong message.

Forget the others who have stuck their 2 bobs worth cos I don’t even bother to read their stuff mostly. It’s a bit like blab la bla la bla yer yer I know everything about Bali….mosta the time!!

Gimme BV or Jack D or Roy or Phil or Jimbo or DCC or Tin or even Mats and Freo or even old Tracey anyday.

Your thoughts?

Dash :?

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Dasha said:
Anyways… next thing, Gilb chimes (for some reason) (he reminds me of Bali life in many ways when he first joined and now has said so much and departed for now) in for some reason and he again gets the wrong message.

Not departed and not chiming, and btw you still haven't explained your previous post on this thread towards me?? I'm not the kind of guy that holds a grudge against you or anyone else for that matter, since you are free to write whatever you want...
As for the positive....
Dasha said:
Forget the others who have stuck their 2 bobs worth cos I don’t even bother to read their stuff mostly. It’s a bit like blab la bla la bla yer yer I know everything about Bali….mosta the time!!

Yeah that's very positive of you????

As for the 'old garde' the things they posted is a joy to read, they covered alot of things over the years, so newcomers (like me) can find alot of positive and negative information in the archives. And that's ofcourse a good thing, it only makes it very hard to find a topic that hasn't already been discussed.
The good thing is that there are always new people signing up, that stick around and have something to add to the forum, be it positve or negative is for each on his own to decide.
Also the already discussed topics can be rediscussed with these new members.
For you not that interesting, since you say you don't read their stuff mostly. Understandable(which I'll explain below), but don't put any newcomers down, because they don't measure up to your standards, whatever your standards are????
I think if your a member of this forum for a long time...it's kind of boring to answer another visa question or another where can I find this or that? And therefor maybe don't react to these kind of post anymore. And I don't blame them for it, it's quite understandable.

And if you(Dasha) miss the old garde that much...maybe you should join them in retirement?
No disrespect intended to members who consider themself to be part of the old garde.....as I am sure some of them don't post, but still visit from time to time to drop a pm here and there. And there are ofcourse long-time members who still are active in posting too. For which I (newcomer) , am glad they do.

Friendly greetings as always.........Gilbert.


Apr 6, 2009
Strange post there Dasha :? I'm new here but I don't get your thinking? Insult all but half a dozen members of the forum and single out Gilbert?? I think Gilbert's response was pretty well on the knocker. A private message to Markit would have been the way to go but you chose the open forum? Why is that I wonder :twisted:

Hopefully myself and other new members will add to the knowledge base of the group over time. Don't dwell on the past there fella or the future will pass you by .......or something like that!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I think it might be good to start a new thread and just let this one fade into the sunset with Shane :lol:

"Shane, come back!" "Shane" "Come back!" "Sob, sob, come back.....sob"