Forum Has Been Migrated


Staff member
Hi Everyone,
The forum has been successfully migrated to a new hosting provider, which we believe will offer a better experience for all users. During the migration, there may have been some data loss or missing posts. Additionally, you might experience caching issues on your first visit.
If you encounter any problems, please report them to us so we can address them promptly. - Admin
Hi Everyone,
The forum has been successfully migrated WRONG! to a new hosting provider, which we believe will offer a better experience for all users COMPLETELY WRONG!. During the migration, there may have been some data loss or missing posts. Additionally, you might experience caching issues on your first visit AND 2ND, 3RD, 4TH, NTH....
If you encounter any problems, please report them to us so we can address them promptly. - Admin
I would appreciate a complete report on what you are actively doing to support this forum and measures, present and future, that will make it interesting to actually contribute here, as opposed to using X, Farcebook, Instagram, etc. FORUMS, WHICH ACTUALLY WORK 2 DAYS IN A ROW!
I very rarely DON'T get Oops!
this is sad because I think forums are a good source of information for new comers, and expats alike. It's obvious the BaliPod administration doesn't want to hire a professional tech genius to fix the problem! Luckily the other expat forum is still working. As a foreigner living here, I have come to enjoy the forum's as a source of news about what's going on in Indonesia, and the rest of the world. It's also a place where I can communicate in English.
So please Administrators get someone to fix your problem! Enough Jam Karet!
What's the other forum you go to?

I know some people think forums have been overtaken by social media and in someway this is true, but I have noticed different social media sites to be very politically divided.
What's the other forum you go to?

I know some people think forums have been overtaken by social media and in someway this is true, but I have noticed different social media sites to be very politically divided.
The other forum I look at is expatindo forum. I would like to look at different forums also. Please give a listing of some other forums available in Bali.
The other forum I look at is expatindo forum. I would like to look at different forums also. Please give a listing of some other forums available in Bali.
There are tons of them on Facebook (Meta) Bali Expat community, Bali Travel Forum, Canggu Community, Foreigners in Indonesia, Visa & law Indonesia just a few to name. But I personally prefer a traditional forum as much easier to search and navigate it.
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Facebook has become a favoured website for scammers. The only time I ever use Facebook is if there is a notice of someone I know having made a post. Any selling and buying links need to be treated with extreme care.
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Facebook has become a favoured website for scammers. The only time I ever use Facebook is if there is a notice of someone I know having made a post. Any selling and buying links need to be treated with extreme care.
Facebook is and always has been a way to gather all your and your friends personal information! Don't use it! It is evil! It's unfortunate all these other forums can only be accessed through Facebook. And now Meta has even stopped fact checking. So this means you will never know if anything is true, or false! I suspect it's really been that way, all the time. Don't worry Elon Musk will take care of everything! Be the first in line to get your ticket to Mars!
Expat Indo is a good forum. There was another forum that was connected to: or something like that, but that could have been closed down? I think Expat Indo was split off from that. is good and for general travel questions.
Thanks for the history lesson, but it doesn't seem to help bring people back to posting here. I tried a couple of times, but it was like kicking a dead dog, it will never wake up. Whoever was in charge of this forum, just didn't get the bugs fixed properly. 9 out of 10 times I would come back and look to see if the forum was working and maybe there was somerhing interesting to comment on, but alas, there was the familiar. Oops, sorry bla, bla bla, or something like that. And I would go to expatindo forum and it was working every time. Oh well, at least one forum is still working. I just can't go back to Facebook. I got on it many years ago, and I could see there was something about it, that gave me the creeps, so I got off ASAP. It wasn't easy to get off either. Once they had their claws in me, they didn't want to let go.
So everyone still using it, be wary!
In Australia I noticed Facebook attracts the Murdoch loving new crowd. I don't know if it is the same in the US. Reddit is the opposite and seems more balanced.