
New Member
Sep 15, 2010
I live in Bali and I own a family kitas.
Now during this month I had to perform the first extension.

The fun begin...
Call several 'famous' agency, balimode and bali ide... give me crazy price just for the first extension.
Balimode = 4.5j
Bali IDE = 6.5j

Now, thanks god I had a friend that work in immigrasi and bla bla bla the same story.

He charge me 3.8j and say that if I want to extend alone, the price will be around 3.5j

350$ for a stamp ?

It seems way too much for me....
things are going really crazy down here.

I call a friend in jakarta, and he said that there they have different price (!!) ... im still waiting how much he pay his extension.

so my questions are....
- How much do you pay your family kitas extension?
- For what exactly all that money?
- If you live in jakarta, show us your prices!



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I think you need to explain more about your situation. As far as I know you can have a spouse sponsored KITAS, working KITAS or retirement KITAS.

I have never heard of a "family KITAS" ?

I think the only visa you actually have to use an agent for is the retirement visa. The rest you can do yourself if you have all of the required documentation.


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
spouse sponsored kitas?
is that a name of a kitas, come on man be serious.

everybody knows what a family kitas is and thats the name of it.
there are just two kitas ... Family (means your married with local) and Business.

who cares if I can make by myself or with agent, mate im looking for prices.

please dont spam my post with useless info.

you know the answer to my question? answer
you dont? keep living your life.


New Member
Apr 28, 2010
Jay, nobody can give you a precise answer because that's the way it is here! Try to go stand in line yourself at immigration and get a straight answer... And don't look for that board where you expect to see prices listed. Even if you found one, by the time you get to the window to process your paperwork, something else would be added that couldn't be rationally explained...
So, take it in strides. If you know a guy in immigration who can do the job for 3.8j, pay him and be done! 300,000rp is well worth the time and the frustration you would spend doing it alone...


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
spouse sponsored kitas?
is that a name of a kitas, come on man be serious.

everybody knows what a family kitas is and thats the name of it.
there are just two kitas ... Family (means your married with local) and Business.

who cares if I can make by myself or with agent, mate im looking for prices.

please dont spam my post with useless info.

you know the answer to my question? answer
you dont? keep living your life.

I suggest nobody spams Jay's mailbox any more with anything.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
spouse sponsored kitas?
is that a name of a kitas, come on man be serious.

everybody knows what a family kitas is and thats the name of it.
there are just two kitas ... Family (means your married with local) and Business.

who cares if I can make by myself or with agent, mate im looking for prices.

please dont spam my post with useless info.

you know the answer to my question? answer
you dont? keep living your life.

With mails like this you are not likely to get many answers. You are just plain rude.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
As far as I know you can have a spouse sponsored KITAS, working KITAS or retirement KITAS

Spicyayam is correct! And you Jay are indeed rude! Unbelievable :icon_e_sad:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Spicyayam is correct!

Thanks for the confirmation. No need to get excited Jay, I am only trying to help like all members here. I was only seeking clarification because I have never heard of anyone, online at least, call the spouse sponsored visa a "family visa".

Since it is your first post I have no idea of your personal situation. I spend some time reading the living in Indonesia forum which is possibly the best source of visa related information on the internet, and I have never heard of a "family KITAS". If we don't clarify exactly what you are talking about other people could get the wrong information.

I read on the same forum that the price of such a visa is 700,000 rupiah for a spouse sponsored visa, so I would expect a renewal to cost the same or even cheaper, if you do it yourself. Since it is a renewal and you have provided all of the documents first time around, it shouldn't be too much of a challenge to do it yourself.

If you want to use an agent then the figures you have quoted are along similar lines of other visas which agents prepare, like a social visa extension which is 250,000 if you do it yourself, or 600,000++ if you use an agent.
As far as I know you can have a spouse sponsored KITAS, working KITAS or retirement KITAS.
As well as an Investor KITAS, a repatriation KITAS, a researcher KITAS, a student KITAS...etc. A total of 9 different type of KITAS, far from the two of the OP. A KITAS, for whatever reason it is issued, has a legal fee of IDR 700.000 as per the Peraturan Pemerintah RI nomor 38 tahun 2009 tentang jenis dan tarif atas jenis penerimaan negara bukan pajak yang berlaku pada departemen hukum dan hak asasi manusia (page 15 to page 20 in the link for Immigration fees). That's the price I pay mine and that's also the price paid by a lot of people organizing it themselves. Extra costs can be associated (like an IMTA - work permit - for example) but the facial cost of the KITAS remain the same: Rp 700K (+ Rp55K for the use of the biometrik system: pics & fingerprints).

Anyway, I was just passing by and tried unsuccessfully to log in my old account. I say "hello" to any user of the old version I may had contact with. :icon_biggrin:


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
As well as an Investor KITAS, a repatriation KITAS, a researcher KITAS, a student KITAS...etc. A total of 9 different type of KITAS, far from the two of the OP. A KITAS, for whatever reason it is issued, has a legal fee of IDR 700.000 as per the Peraturan Pemerintah RI nomor 38 tahun 2009 tentang jenis dan tarif atas jenis penerimaan negara bukan pajak yang berlaku pada departemen hukum dan hak asasi manusia (page 15 to page 20 in the link for Immigration fees). That's the price I pay mine and that's also the price paid by a lot of people organizing it themselves. Extra costs can be associated (like an IMTA - work permit - for example) but the facial cost of the KITAS remain the same: Rp 700K (+ Rp55K for the use of the biometrik system: pics & fingerprints).

Thank you Atlantis,that link makes very interesting reading.I wonder how you have become so knowledgable.One Question:in this list of prices there is also one for the extension of the izin tinggal terbatas up to two years,and the same for entry-reentry permits.Is that new or just something the agents keep hiding from their customers so they have more income?I rather have an extension every two years than every year.Thanks for your time!
Thank you Atlantis,that link makes very interesting reading.I wonder how you have become so knowledgable.One Question:in this list of prices there is also one for the extension of the izin tinggal terbatas up to two years,and the same for entry-reentry permits.Is that new or just something the agents keep hiding from their customers so they have more income?I rather have an extension every two years than every year.Thanks for your time!
izin Tinggal terbatas 2 year are found in only 3 types:
Indeks 311 for top experts of World Trade Organization
Indeks 314 for directors of PMA with conditions of investment (We are talking here about real big bucks. A friend of mine have invested a seven figures number but is still on a 1 year Investor KITAS)
Indeks 316 for researchers

If you don't belong in any of these three categories, you will be issued a 1 year Izin Tinggal Terbatas. However after 2 full years in Indonesia (and not 5 as most of the ignorant agents would let you believe) on a KITAS you may convert it to a KITAP which would give you 5 years on a row as a permanent resident.

What type of KITAS do you have?
Addit: the Izin Masuk Kembali 2 tahun (2 years MERP) has been tailored for KITAP holder and obviously for those lucky 2 years KITAS holder. If you have a KITAS valid for 1 year, the maximum MERP validity you will get issued is 12 months

Source: Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI nomor M.01-IZ.01.10 Tahun 2007 tentang perubahan kedua atas keputusan menteri kehakiman RI nomor M.02-IZ.01.10 Tahun 1995 tentang visa singgah, visa kunjungan, visa tinggal terbatas, izin masuk dan izin keimigrasian.

Pasal 90
(1) Izin Masuk Kembali untuk beberapa kali perjalanan diberikan kepada orang asing pemegang Izin Tinggal Terbatas dan pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap.
(2) Izin Masuk Kembali untuk beberapa kali perjalanan bagi pemegang Izin Tinggal Terbatas dengan masa berlaku 1 (satu) tahun diberikan untuk jangka waktu paling lama 12 (dua belas) bulan terhitung sejak tanggal Izin Tinggal Terbatas diberikan.
(3) Izin Masuk Kembali untuk beberapa kali perjalanan bagi pemegang Izin Tinggal Terbatas dengan masa berlaku 2 (dua) tahun atau Izin Tinggal Tetap diberikan untuk jangka waktu paling lama 24 (dua puluh empat) bulan terhitung sejak tanggal Izin Tinggal Tetap diberikan.


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
However after 2 full years in Indonesia (and not 5 as most of the ignorant agents would let you believe) on a KITAS you may convert it to a KITAP which would give you 5 years on a row as a permanent resident.

What type of KITAS do you have?

THANKS AGAIN!!!! You are a gem!
I have a pensiunan Kitas,already for more than four years.
I am not so sure the agents are ignorant,as they can make more money by yearly extensions.
(In my case they ask 6 juta for visa extension and 1.2 for a 12 month exit re-entrypermit if i remember well)
After visiting the immigration office in Denpasar once in the past,where they refused to extend my sosbud visa without my sponsor being present,i was so nauseated and afraid i would bodily harm someone that i resorted to the agencies.Just as was the idea of treating me as a basket full of rotten fish,because they knew there would be no "commission".You can not always win.
Where can i find the official text about this possibility after TWO years?
One more puzzling thing i encountered in this Tarif-list:paspor RI untuk orang asing perorangan.Is that in case of getting citizenship?

What is rather annoying is when Immigrasion starts "thinking" for you.When i wanted the new 12 month exit permit at the same time as the visa extension,i was given an 11 month permit"because i should be there for the renewal of my visa the last month".What if i would not have wanted to renew,but exit in the last month?What if i would have extended my visa two month early(Wich already happened once,so it is possible)because that particular month i would have to be abroad?Somewhere 100.000rp vanishes in thin air.(1/12th of my year price)

Once more thanks for this invaluable advice and all the time you put into it.
I will surely have a better bargaining position,if i ever use an agency again.
I have a pensiunan Kitas,already for more than four years.
I am not so sure the agents are ignorant,as they can make more money by yearly extensions.
(In my case they ask 6 juta for visa extension and 1.2 for a 12 month exit re-entrypermit if i remember well)
Where can i find the official text about this possibility after TWO years?
The Immigration Act, written in 1992 and the government regulation number 32 year 1994 are the bible of most agent. They read it, learn it (in the best cases) and think it's enough to call themselves "agent". No worries, at the other end of the stick, the immigration officers think and act the same. In fact, these two statutes are the spinal cord of the immigration regulation but are completed with hundreds of governmental regulations, ministerial decision and DitJenIm decrees plus a few joint decision associating a few ministries. This is only after having studied all of them that one will have a correct view on what it is all about.
If you go to an agent or if you go directly to your Kantor Imigrasi, both will tell you that you need to be a resident for five full years before being able to convert your ITAS (temporary stay permit) in an ITAP (permanent resident permit). They base their assumption one the article 49 of the Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 32 tahun 1994 tentang Visa, Izin Masuk dan Izin keimigrasian
It reads:
Pasal 49
(1)`Izin Tinggal Terbatas dapat dialihkan statusnya menjadi Izin Tinggal Tetap.
(2)`Pengalihan status sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) diberikan atas dasar permintaan orang asing yang bersangkutan, dengan syarat telah berada di wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia sekurang-kurangnya lima tahun berturut-turut terhitung sejak tanggal diberikannya Izin Tinggal Terbatas.

Translated, it means that an ITAS can be converted in an ITAP (ayat 1) and that the conversion shall be granted on the condition that the applicant has been residing in Indonesia for a period of at least 5 full continuous years (ayat 2).

That is the version one will hear in most, if not all cases.
However, in October 2005, a new regulation has amended this particular article 49 (along with a couple of others). It is called the Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 38 tahun 2005 tentang perubahan kedua atas Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 32 tahun 1994 tentang Visa, Izin Masuk dan Izin keimigrasian.
The regulation quoted above amended the verse (2) of the article 49 PP 32/1994 which now reads:

(2) Pengalihan status sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dapat diberikan atas dasar permintaan orang asing yang bersangkutan, dengan syarat telah berada di wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia sekurang-kurangnya 2 (dua) tahun berturut-turut sejak tanggal diberikannya Izin Tinggal Terbatas.

Only 2 full continuous years of residence in Indonesia are necessary to apply for the conversion of an ITAS in an ITAP.
Print the PP 32/1994 and its amendment. This is what you will need to make your point.

However, I don't want to sound negative, but concerning the negociation for your KITAP I invite you to read this post I've written somewhere else and to browse a bit the archives you will find in the link. It will make I am sure an interesting read for you.

After visiting the immigration office in Denpasar once in the past,where they refused to extend my sosbud visa without my sponsor being present,i was so nauseated and afraid i would bodily harm someone that i resorted to the agencies.Just as was the idea of treating me as a basket full of rotten fish,because they knew there would be no "commission".You can not always win.
I beg to disagree. You can win, as long you are legit and obviously as long as you know the Law. a refusal of extension is not that hard to deal with if you know where to press. Immigration can not refuse arbitrary an extension without specific reasons. But that's another topic.
One more puzzling thing i encountered in this Tarif-list:paspor RI untuk orang asing perorangan.Is that in case of getting citizenship?
No, it's not. Once you gain indonesian citizenship by naturalization you are a full Indonesian citizen as per the the article 26 (1) of the Constituation RI and the article 2 of the Citizenship Act 12/2006. No differences subsist.
The Paspor RI untuk orang asing was, shamefully, the only way for people of the Tiong Hoa ethny to get a proper documentation to exit Indonesia. Many of the chinese having settling down for generations were bared from obtaining indonesian citizenship and were legally considered as foreigners or sub citizen. They had only a temporary or permanent residency (as we, "true foreigners" have) and a Paspor untuk Orang Asing was delivered to them with a validity of 2 years maximum and
for only one exit/reentry to the conditions that they didn't have any passport from any other country.
Hopefully the situation of the chinese have improved post soeharto and the 2006 change in the citizenship law has allowed many of them to become citizens... at last.
Nowadays there is still some Paspor RI untuk Orang Asing delivered but it is rare. If you want to know more on the topic (at least it's legal side) you can check the Peraturan Pemerintah RI nomor 36 tahun 1994 tentang Surat Perjalanan Republik Indonesia which is a good start to start to learn about Paspor RI and indonesian travel documents.
Once more thanks for this invaluable advice and all the time you put into it.
I will surely have a better bargaining position,if i ever use an agency again.
You're welcome.
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Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar

Thanks again,O/Atlantis.
I did read most of the info in the links,and indeed it makes fascinating reading.
It also replied most questions i still had.
You are right the new :"terhadap orang asing dengan memperhatikan aspek kemanfaatan orang asing tersebut bagi pembangunan nasional dan aspek kemanusiaan"is open to multiple explanation and interpretation.
As I am on a visa Lansia now,i suppose it would not be enough to have a letter of the Kepala Desa stating i am an asset to my village.I want to build a small library, if the certificate of the land next to my house ever comes through.(Different story)Besides that the whole neighbourhood drinks water from my well and the children learn to swim in my pool.
I suppose i need to have a serious talk with my agent/sponsor.
take care,hermit.


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
Addition to the above

Maybe i should clarify the above somewhat before all the Visa Lansia holders are starting to assault their agents for a Kitap after two years.Atlantis made it clear in one of the posts he linked to that this is the category for whom it is not working.
This because you need the agency as your sponsor,while other categories do not.
See the subject on the livinginindonesia forum

Mr T Arif Bawah

New Member
Oct 10, 2010
I will surely have a better bargaining position,if i ever use an agency again.

I am afraid you won't. Choice is use an agent and pay his costs, or do yourself and ensure you pay official costs.

Official cost 700K and lots of poncing about. It's OK if you are sat at home with nothing else to do, but if you actually have to work for a living then I am inclined to get some help.

Super advice for those who want to do themselves though.
Official cost 700K and lots of poncing about. It's OK if you are sat at home with nothing else to do, but if you actually have to work for a living then I am inclined to get some help.
KITAS II and the subsequent ones involve way less poncing. In fact, the procedure is quite straightforward. You'll see. Even with poor BI skills one could do it alone.
On a different topic, I would be interested to know if you've started harvesting Danau Limboto's enceng gondok? :wink2:
Am also still waiting for the crate of Fred's special you once promised me. Am forced to rely on my own supply of booze...
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