Feb 15, 2013
Just saw this on The Beat, but don't know how to put the url on here

American citizen and resident of Bali for 18 years, Susi Johnston, was detained by Denpasar Police for four days last week after drugs were allegedly found in her vehicle.

However, she was released after undergoing an intensive investigation because the police determined there was no evidence linking her to the ecstasy pills apparently planted in the car.

According to statements from the accused, this was the culmination of months of harassment, home invasions and legal wrangling where she found herself embroiled in land dispute claims and manipulation.

In a letter sent to the beat daily, Johnston said that a dispute began over the ownership of hers and her recently deceased husband’s property in Mengwi, Bali. She began to receive threats from a nominee used on the title of the land, who was claiming the property to be her own, which then lead to lawsuits and counter lawsuits, which are still in process and bogus immigration charges against her in late 2012, which were found at the time to be fabricated. In February she endured three home invasions by a group of around 50 thugs, which then lead police to deploy a team of patrol officers to protect Johnston and her property 24/7.

This latest incident, with drugs apparently planted in her car, unravelled last week when Johnston had to leave the country to process her Indonesian residence permit after the earlier immigration issues. Johnston left Indonesia on March 5, 2013 and went to Singapore to renew the permit.

As she headed to Ngurah Rai airport to leave Indonesia, Susi was driven by an immigration officer and escorted all the way to the plane, while her car was entrusted to a lawyer named Wayan Kartika to be parked safely near the immigration office on the Ngurah Rai Bypass.

When she arrived back to Bali on the same day, she was told the keys had been given to a guard. “When I was on the way to the car, plainclothes men intercepted me,” she said.

In the letter to the beat daily Susi continues, “I take a taxi from the airport to immigration office to get my keys from the jaga malams there. Get the keys and begin walking to my car about 100 yards away. Just as I begin heading for the car, I am jumped/assaulted by a group of large men dressed in black shirts and leather jackets, like gangsters. Terrified. Then suddenly I realize they are undercover police and this is a setup. My lawyers had warned me this was a common tactic to terrorise or “eliminate” people. A very unpleasant 45 minutes ensues, in the dark, as I demand these men wait for a witness (kepala lingkungan, lawyer, or consular staff, for example) to arrive to be with me before they open and search my car. I refuse to touch the car or get inside. One of these men in black “finds” a small wad of newspaper in my car and shows me something yellow inside; I can’t see what it is, what material, shape, it’s too dark and too far away, as I have refused to touch or get inside the car. The officers who are responsible for guarding my house (from Polsek Mengwi) have arrived in a patrol car with lights and sirens to guard me. The men in black demand that we go to my house and insist that I drive my own car. I refuse. Mengwi police assist, negotiate that I will ride with them, and the men in black can follow in my car. We go to my house.”

In the search at the house the police found no evidence. However, two ecstasy pills were found near the car handbrake wrapped in newspaper. Johnston was taken to Polresta Denpasar, and after four days of lab tests and interrogation of numerous witnesses, the police could not prove Johnston’s involvement in the ownership of the illicit goods, so she was released.

Meanwhile, police are now investigating where the drugs in the car came from and who planted them there.

“I hope the police can prove and trace who put the stuff into my car,” Johnston stated to reporters in Denpasar earlier this week. “Otherwise the same thing could happen to anyone in Bali, at any time.”


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I think this is one that needs to be digested slowly. I hope there will be further infos to follow. There is so much going on here that I don't understand I will wait for further articles.

For instance: "She began to receive threats from a nominee used on the title of the land, who was claiming the property to be her own, which then lead to lawsuits and counter lawsuits, which are still in process"

What is here to dispute? Why should there be lawsuits?

The property did and does belong to the nominee - end, finished. Has anyone heard of any lawsuits contesting the nominee situation? I sure haven't.

"My lawyers had warned me this was a common tactic to terrorise or “eliminate” people."

Really? I've never heard of it in the last 5/6 years but I lead a sheltered life. I have yet to hear of a drugs case here in Bali where this has been claimed although it is quite a common defense in the west.

"As she headed to Ngurah Rai airport to leave Indonesia, Susi was driven by an immigration officer and escorted all the way to the plane, while her car was entrusted to a lawyer named Wayan Kartika to be parked safely near the immigration office on the Ngurah Rai Bypass"

Has this happened to anyone else doing the "visa run"? "Parked safely near the immigration office"... you must be fecking joking - it's an open car park.

I could go on but I need a beer.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
"the imigrasi driving her to the airport" that's probably because she overstayed her KITAS or Visa..in that case the person violates imigrasi laws and will be escorted to the boarding gate by imigrasi officer(s) from the region where she/he reported herself. One can not do a KITAS (residence-permit) RENEWAL in one day, unless pre aproved by imigrasi jakarta, wich would be highly unlikely since the one applying for it is in violation..
So there are definitely "funny" things going on...

The lawsuit and then counterlawsuit...is the way it goes, meaning "if you get hit, you hit back right"..


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Following the first post of the string, since I have known Susi for a long time, I posted my opinion, praising her for the strong and intelligent woman that she is, and congratulating her for her action, not taking any s**t from the "usual establishment". I also said that whoever did the dead had certainly picked on the wrong person. Why was my comments removed????:mad::mad:
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
"the imigrasi driving her to the airport" that's probably because she overstayed her KITAS or Visa..in that case the person violates imigrasi laws and will be escorted to the boarding gate by imigrasi officer(s) from the region where she/he reported herself. One can not do a KITAS (residence-permit) RENEWAL in one day, unless pre aproved by imigrasi jakarta, wich would be highly unlikely since the one applying for it is in violation..
So there are definitely "funny" things going on...

The lawsuit and then counterlawsuit...is the way it goes, meaning "if you get hit, you hit back right"..

Susi has been living in Ubud since the early '90s. She owns, among other things, a shop on Monkey Forest. She is well known of the authorities, and a very visible expat. She was one of the first leader-organizer and was on the ground, following the Tsunami which ravaged Aceh. Maybe the article is not accurate in the details, but one thing is for sure, Susi does know the "system" and her way around.


Active Member
May 23, 2011
Just saw this on The Beat, but don't know how to put the url on here

American citizen and resident of Bali for 18 years, Susi Johnston, was detained by Denpasar Police for four days last week after drugs were allegedly found in her vehicle.

However, she was released after undergoing an intensive investigation because the police determined there was no evidence linking her to the ecstasy pills apparently planted in the car.

According to statements from the accused, this was the culmination of months of harassment, home invasions and legal wrangling where she found herself embroiled in land dispute claims and manipulation.

In a letter sent to the beat daily, Johnston said that a dispute began over the ownership of hers and her recently deceased husband’s property in Mengwi, Bali. She began to receive threats from a nominee used on the title of the land, who was claiming the property to be her own, which then lead to lawsuits and counter lawsuits, which are still in process and bogus immigration charges against her in late 2012, which were found at the time to be fabricated. In February she endured three home invasions by a group of around 50 thugs, which then lead police to deploy a team of patrol officers to protect Johnston and her property 24/7.

This latest incident, with drugs apparently planted in her car, unravelled last week when Johnston had to leave the country to process her Indonesian residence permit after the earlier immigration issues. Johnston left Indonesia on March 5, 2013 and went to Singapore to renew the permit.

As she headed to Ngurah Rai airport to leave Indonesia, Susi was driven by an immigration officer and escorted all the way to the plane, while her car was entrusted to a lawyer named Wayan Kartika to be parked safely near the immigration office on the Ngurah Rai Bypass.

When she arrived back to Bali on the same day, she was told the keys had been given to a guard. “When I was on the way to the car, plainclothes men intercepted me,” she said.

In the letter to the beat daily Susi continues, “I take a taxi from the airport to immigration office to get my keys from the jaga malams there. Get the keys and begin walking to my car about 100 yards away. Just as I begin heading for the car, I am jumped/assaulted by a group of large men dressed in black shirts and leather jackets, like gangsters. Terrified. Then suddenly I realize they are undercover police and this is a setup. My lawyers had warned me this was a common tactic to terrorise or “eliminate” people. A very unpleasant 45 minutes ensues, in the dark, as I demand these men wait for a witness (kepala lingkungan, lawyer, or consular staff, for example) to arrive to be with me before they open and search my car. I refuse to touch the car or get inside. One of these men in black “finds” a small wad of newspaper in my car and shows me something yellow inside; I can’t see what it is, what material, shape, it’s too dark and too far away, as I have refused to touch or get inside the car. The officers who are responsible for guarding my house (from Polsek Mengwi) have arrived in a patrol car with lights and sirens to guard me. The men in black demand that we go to my house and insist that I drive my own car. I refuse. Mengwi police assist, negotiate that I will ride with them, and the men in black can follow in my car. We go to my house.”

In the search at the house the police found no evidence. However, two ecstasy pills were found near the car handbrake wrapped in newspaper. Johnston was taken to Polresta Denpasar, and after four days of lab tests and interrogation of numerous witnesses, the police could not prove Johnston’s involvement in the ownership of the illicit goods, so she was released.

Meanwhile, police are now investigating where the drugs in the car came from and who planted them there.

“I hope the police can prove and trace who put the stuff into my car,” Johnston stated to reporters in Denpasar earlier this week. “Otherwise the same thing could happen to anyone in Bali, at any time.”


. .


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
Johnston Land Case - Drug Setup - The Basics

The Basics:

The late husband of USA national Susan Johnston ("Johnston"), who was an Italian national named Bruno Piazza ("Piazza") bought land in Bali to build a home in 1999, and executed the transaction with an Indonesian "nominee" also signing on the papers: Ms. Tety Carolina ("Tety"). Regrettably, Tety, got in trouble over the years, through lifestyle choices and problematic business dealings. Johnston and Piazza were not aware of the nature or extent of her problems. Now Tety's dubious associates and creditors are attempting to use her to extract and extort money wherever they can.

Shortly after Johnston's husband Piazza died of cancer in Bali in late 2011, Tety transmitted slanderous stories to her own various associates/creditors and to the general public. She broadly announced that Johnston murdered Piazza, that Piazza wasn't her husband at all, and that Johnston was merely "a chick" who was now living in "her" house on "her" (Tety's) land with no reason or right to be there. Tety managed to obtain various black market "loans" and case-gambling "bids" in this way.

The nefarious figures who "invested" in Tety's scheme launched a poorly constructed lawsuit to attempt to gain control of Johnston's home last year. They evidently used corruption to acquire a District Court decision in their favour without Johnston ever knowing there was a court case taking place at all (due to subverted summons processes and manipulation of other court procedures). They pushed this fundamentally flawed lawsuit through the District Court while Johnston was out of the country for an extended time to distribute her late husband's personal possessions in Europe.

Johnston appealed, of course, but Tety's nefarious network opted to take the law into their own hands rather than wait for the processes of justice. They have since that time used all manner of tactics, during five months, to attempt to turn Johnston out of her only home, so they can turn Johnston's only home into money. This appears to be a textbook case of extortion, corruption and terror.

Tety's network made multiple false reports to immigration authorities in attempts to have Johnston detained and deported. These attempts failed, after months of questionable immigration investigation proceedings during which Johnston's passport was detained for lengthy periods in contravention of international law. Tety's network also made a spurious criminal report against Johnston. Again, failed. Then, in February 2013 Tety hired large groups of gangsters (up to 100 men), to raid Johnston's home, terrorise her, destroy property, force doors, and drill out locks and change them. These raids took place on 5, 8, and 11 February, and were eventually brought under control on the afternoon of 11 February, by Indonesian special forces with automatic assault firearms. Since that time, Johnston has been guarded around the clock by multiple local police duty officers (by order of the local chief of police, and at no expense to Johnston).

On 4 to 5 March Johnston was arrested by eleven undercover police while approaching her car on foot after having left the car, the country, and the keys to the car, for sixteen hours. This was clearly another attempt to terrorise and remove Johnston from her home. Four days after the arrest, Johnston was exonerated. The investigating detectives in the Narcotics Unit of the Police Department of Denpasar found no connection whatsoever linking the drugs, allegedly found in her car, with Johnston herself. They concluded that the drugs belonged to someone else, and had been planted in her car with malicious intent. An investigation by high-level police supervisory authorities is under way to find and prosecute those responsible. Given the characteristics of Indonesian law enforcement and supervisory agencies, the status of this investigation may remain ambiguous.

Johnston is taking the stance that this entire ordeal is for her an "experiment in truth" (quoting Mahatma Gandhi); passive resistance, no vindictiveness, no retaliation, no use of force or any kind, no dark tactics to counteract the dark tactics used against her, and no negotiating with terrorists. She states, "The truth abides. The Dude abides. I am abiding. I trust that justice will prevail in Indonesia, and that the guilty shall pay."


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
The immigration situation was this: Malicious false report by opponents in the court case to immigration. No violation of regulations was found after investigation. Immigration officers suggested I should use a different category of stay permit, and arranged to void the one I had at the time so I could go out and come back in with different type of permit. There was no violation. I'd also like to mention, that in all of the immigration and criminal cases, I was exonerated, and WITHOUT PAYING ANY BRIBES WHATSOEVER.

In other words, is is now very possible to avoid the old web of corruption. Those who have done no wrong can be treated fairly, and without having to pay for it. Many public servants (in immigration and law enforcement) here in Bali have no interest in corruption; they simply wish to do their jobs well, and increase their standing and reputation within their department so they can build a solid, legitimate career and do so with self-respect and the respect of others.

I know that's hard to believe for some of you. But it's true. :)


Active Member
May 23, 2011
The immigration situation was this: Malicious false report by opponents in the court case to immigration. No violation of regulations was found after investigation. Immigration officers suggested I should use a different category of stay permit, and arranged to void the one I had at the time so I could go out and come back in with different type of permit. There was no violation. I'd also like to mention, that in all of the immigration and criminal cases, I was exonerated, and WITHOUT PAYING ANY BRIBES WHATSOEVER.

In other words, is is now very possible to avoid the old web of corruption. Those who have done no wrong can be treated fairly, and without having to pay for it. Many public servants (in immigration and law enforcement) here in Bali have no interest in corruption; they simply wish to do their jobs well, and increase their standing and reputation within their department so they can build a solid, legitimate career and do so with self-respect and the respect of others.

I know that's hard to believe for some of you. But it's true. :)

Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear how everything worked out.


Jun 4, 2010
I hope all will come to an end very soon and that Ms. Johnston can enjoy many more years in Bali in peace.
The responsible people should be in court and convicted according to Indonesian laws.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
There seem to be so many agencies and different groups involved in this chaos that I'm not surprised that no money/bribery has changed hands. Corruption can only flourish in the darkness.

If there is a lesson to be learned here it would appear to make sure that the Indonesian press and as many "organs" of state are involved as possible.

I would love to hear more about the various cases surrounding the "ownership" of the house as this is a recurring theme here on the forum and one that exercises all us land "owners" equally and causes some sleepless nights.

For instance, why wasn't it easier for the nominee to oust Ms. Johnston from "her" property? The nominee as the legal owner should have had now problems getting physical control of the house. If not, why not please?


Apr 4, 2013
Near Ubud
Is macantidur the Susan in the story?

Markitt, my guess is her husband and her has a safety mechanism built in legal documents to prevent the nominee to takeover the property without their consent, its been done before so I'm not surprise if the nominee can't take it as she wish.

I salute her for her resilience to endure all of that.
She must be a great person, because she has friends in her side that protects and support her with all that terror.
If the whole story is right, I think she is in the right path and I hope she would win the whole thing
I'm more interested on who is the mastermind behind the nominee than this Tety character

FYI, if you are being treated unfairly by the immigration department and you could give an exact info who, where and when it happens, you can wrote a complaint directly to the vice minister in his twitter account @dennyindrayana
Feb 15, 2013
Is macantidur the Susan in the story?

Markitt, my guess is her husband and her has a safety mechanism built in legal documents to prevent the nominee to takeover the property without their consent, its been done before so I'm not surprise if the nominee can't take it as she wish.

Hi Ferdie. It would be very interesting to know what sort of "safety mechanism" she could have had in her legal documents. Do you have any ideas on what form it would take?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Ha! That might do it, but would her being locked up or thrown out of the country automatically negate the lease agreement?

I don't think it would.

Back to square one...