
Feb 17, 2013
When my father went to Bali in the year 1949, all girls and women were still proudly showing their breasts.

The first president of Indonesia (Sukarno) issued a decree forbidding Balinese females to show their breasts, thereby killing a thousand year old tradition.

My father was a playboy. I held his hand when he said his last words. He said that I have 3 brothers on the island of Bali and probably another four sisters. And then he died. I've never found them. I they are still alive they are more than sixty years old.

I was born in 1951, so I am 62 now.


Feb 17, 2013
If my brothers and sisters are still alive they must be more than 60 years old. However they could have been killed during the 1965 coup of Suharto, when more than half a million Balinese were killed.


Nov 17, 2011
When my father went to Bali in the year 1949, all girls and women were still proudly showing their breasts.

The first president of Indonesia (Sukarno) issued a decree forbidding Balinese females to show their breasts, thereby killing a thousand year old tradition.

My father was a playboy. I held his hand when he said his last words. He said that I have 3 brothers on the island of Bali and probably another four sisters. And then he died. I've never found them. I they are still alive they are more than sixty years old.

I was born in 1951, so I am 62 now.
So Pak Justin you are Balinese correct? Or do you have siblings from same father?

Please forgive me but I do not think that Balinese women were "proudly showing their breasts". The dress of the day not so long ago was merely that of convenience and comfort. Some places in Bali it still happens as you know. Being proud had nothing to with it.

Why did things change? My view is that western influences causing the concept of shame among the Balinese. What other societal garbage was wrought upon the Balinese from the demands of the west?

I think the damage done by Chaplin and others with their moral superiority back in the 40s is typical of the western attitude of we're here to make you life better by being civilized like 'us'.

Thankfully it hasn't gone completely in the toilet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
You have your facts a little bit incorrect. Let us try for half a million Indonesian with 80,000 of them being Balinese.

Indonesian killings of 1965?1966 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No idea, you wear your name correctly: beware of Wikipedia! :highly_amused: The lowest estimate of the casualties due to 1965 coup is indeed 500,000. However this is the MINIMUM estimate, the upper one being ONE MILLION. So maybe Justin was using an estimate out of the range (The number most agreed on by historians is 200,000 Balinese assassinated between 1965 and 1966).


Feb 22, 2011
Tintin, this is again a case of you rushing in with both feet firmly planted in your mouth. Please read what is written before coming out with these pathetic attacks.
This is now the second time you have rushed in to disagree with me. Both times your information is incorrect.
Justinbali mentions 500,000 BALINESE being murdered. You also disagree with that figure but choose to attack me. I come out with a written Wikipedia report on the event.
Now please wipe the egg from your face. Grab a warm milk, then go and have a little nap in front of your TV.


Feb 17, 2013
You have your facts a little bit incorrect. Let us try for half a million Indonesian with 80,000 of them being Balinese.

Indonesian killings of 1965?1966 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia is not infallible and certainly not a reference. It annoys me that people use Wikipedia as if Wikipedia always tells the truth.

Indonesian scholars have repeatedly said that at least half a million Balinese were killed.

My friend Han Snel (1925-1998 and you can google his name) was a Dutch artist who lived in Bali for 52 years. He told me that the river behind his house in Ubud was clogged with bodies and that the river stayed red (because of the blood) for one month. There were not enough bullets left, so the victims were beaten to death or knifed with a kris.

His house is still standing in Ubud, it's a restaurant-hotel now, and his widow Siti can confirm what I am telling you.


Feb 17, 2013
Look here

Bali Indonesia | 1965 Mass Killings | Human Rights

In Bali the killings began later, after the army initiated reprisals over the murder of a soldier in a clash with Communist youth. A mass movement then developed to the extent that Edhy is reported to have said: ‘In Java we had to egg the people on to kill Communists. In Bali we have to restrain them, make sure they don't go too far’. The Bali massacre was conducted ‘with an intensity that was second only to what had happened in Aceh’


Feb 17, 2013
So Pak Justin you are Balinese correct? Or do you have siblings from same father?

Please forgive me but I do not think that Balinese women were "proudly showing their breasts". The dress of the day not so long ago was merely that of convenience and comfort. Some places in Bali it still happens as you know. Being proud had nothing to with it.

Why did things change? My view is that western influences causing the concept of shame among the Balinese. What other societal garbage was wrought upon the Balinese from the demands of the west?

I think the damage done by Chaplin and others with their moral superiority back in the 40s is typical of the western attitude of we're here to make you life better by being civilized like 'us'.

Thankfully it hasn't gone completely in the toilet.

I am not Balinese. I am a Belgian citizen. I've been living in Indonesia for the past 30 years.

My Indonesian friends in high places have asked me to accept Indonesian citizenship, and I finally agreed. I will lose my Belgian citizenship in August this year and then I will be an Indonesian citizen.


Feb 17, 2013
My dad was a friend of the first president (Sukarno)

When my dad was in Indonesia, Sukarno offered him young women. Sukarno was a sex-maniac, but not a pedophile. My father couldn't resist those young women....and that's why I have older brothers and sisters whom I've never met.

In those days the only risk was unwanted pregnancies. HIV Aids did not exist, birth control pills were not invented yet, and syphilis or gonorrhea was easily cured with a few injections of antibiotics.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Duhhhh. I don't get it?

Is this some weird Ozzy reference that comes from living up-side down most of your lives?

Barbershop trio???
Feb 15, 2013
Is this some weird Ozzy reference that comes from living up-side down most of your lives?

Barbershop trio???

Never mind Markit, you are safe mate, I don't think anyone would dare imply you are one short of a barbershop quartet. :barbershop_quartet_:barbershop_quartet_:barbershop_quartet_:barbershop_quartet_

(barbershop trio ....... like... 750 gm to the kg)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Do you Ozzies have "secret" handshakes too?

Are wrists held in a "special" way that only other Ozzies recognize?

Do you get a special Ozzie glow-in-a-rainstorm badge after you've shagged 10 Poms?

Where do I sign up - KangaroosRUs?


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Markit, here's a few more:

Not the full 43 beans
A sandwich short of a picnic
A few bricks shy of a load
A few beers short of a six-pack
A snag short of a barbie
Feb 15, 2013
Careful Matsaleh, Markit may misunderstand or misinterpret what a "short snag" is and what will the short snag do with Barbie :icon_twisted: