
Jan 5, 2009
Thanks all for the compliments.

With designing of the website i have to make some choices and indeed i'am targeting on the western countries. The images are already resized till 140kb, so i tried to make it loading as quick as possible.
Also the website includes a responsive design, so it will scale the website back for a smartphone friendly design.

I did the pool completely myself, no contractors, no architect nobody. Just bought the materials and made the pool with my workers. One major cost saving is using normal ceramic tiles for 40.000 per m2, instead of the special pool tiles for 190.000 per m2.
Just keep your PH level stable and you will have no problem at all using normal ceramics.

The property size is 17are and is located in the heart of Sanur.

Greetings, Hugo


May 4, 2011
Hi all, well decided to go the labour and buy the material route, this decision was made after having a coffee with the guy who done all the ceramic work in my properties and i told him was going build the pool and asked him if he knew anybody experienced in such jobs and the reply was totally unexpected, he said hop on the bike with him and he showed me 4 pools in the area that he had built( the last one being 90% complete ) and was in the final steps of completing.
I had a chat with 2 of the owners of said pools and they could not praise him enough so the drawing board was set up and the price discussed.
so for a 15 x 5 x 2 mtr rectangle pool the labour only is 80 mill includes get the hole dug out, materials average 120 mill, so i am quite happy with that as i know the guy and the work he has done laying all my floors and walls with ceramics has always been top grade work and any hiccup or problem he is there to sort it out as soon as he can.
The stage he is at now after 2 weeks is the hole dug, pump room build 2 metres down at end of the pool and now is building the walls inside the pool and i see his staff making up the metal work frames.
So heres hoping it keeps going as simple as has been up to now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Does that 200 milli include the pumps/filter/lights/fittings? If not than you are paying quite a bit above the odds I think...?

Not to be negative but even if you do include the above fittings, for a bog-standard rectangular pool of that size to cost 200 million is simply too much IMHO
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Not long time ago finished sw pool with sizes 16*6 +3*6 oval section for children. It was 270juta. now faced with repair works (workers "forgot" to make water isolation between upper tile of the pool and decking (it took half a year for the water to fill the whole area below decking and it simply started to flow through the stairs..).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Lovely pool and fantastic villa - compliments.

Not quite clear on how you mean with the isolation - water proofing for the upper layer of ceramic tiles? Does that mean that splashed water soaks back into the cement lining of the pool and from there outwards? That shouldn't be such a big problem as splash water is not so massive - I would have thought?
thank you Markit for compliments.. a bit difficult to make construction with presense on the site very seldom...
the problem with pool started to develop when workers raised the level of the water overflow. after it the water began to trickle between upper ceramic of the pool and stone decking.
actually its only necessary to put hermetic clue between them to prevent further soaking.
problem is that the whole area below decking seems filled with water and decking started to change colour. cant guess how long it would take to dry it...
other alternative is to lower the level of overflow.. but in this case water level would be 3sm lower.. not nice)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
If I understand you correctly the builders stopped short of waterproofing the entire pool at what was previously planned to be the high-water mark? If that is the case it seems like a pretty stupid economy and they deserve a kick up the ass and should be made to repair it - I know, I know - no chance but it sounds good.

Look on the bright side if this was Russia your whole water-logged concrete would freeze in about 6 months and the pool would then crack. What's a few discolored pieces of wood in comparison to that?


Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
Cost for our 12m by 4 m pool including the gazebo and paving around the outside was 270 Juta. Included Haywood pump and filters. Has only been in operation for about 4 days so we will see how it goes.

For pics go here
Kennetha Kost - Home



Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
The Kost looks great Ken. Hope you get lots of bookings.

Thanks Fred and I hope we get a lot of bookings too. As usual in Bali the cost blew out to approx. 50% more than quoted but fortunately 25% less than what I budgeted allowing for the Bule tax, the " Jam Karat" tax , the " Ohh, you are a bule" IMB tax , the " you want how much electricity ? !!" Listrik Tax plus a few more I have forgotton.

Thank god I am still working my arse off in Australia to cover it all..

But it was/is a good experience and nice to have something for the future.


Kennetha Kost - Home


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
It is amazing how things change when you walk on to the site, western tax. Are family going to run the place for you or are you retiring soon? Hope all goes well.


Apr 4, 2013
Near Ubud
Have been thinking on making a pool myself but the facts here is not so encouraging:icon_e_ugeek:

Not to mention the operational cost:concern:

I guess for the mean time no pool for me:miserable:


Jun 26, 2013
Songgon E Java
I have a question that i hoping Mr Markit can answer.

It is possible to feed a pool directly from a fresh water spring / total loss system. No chemicals no pumps etc. I think i read in one earlier post Markit was also hoping to do this...Did it work?

Thank you in advance for your advise.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Hey Song welcome to the forum. What I was wanting to do was build a biologically self cleaning pool with a surrounding biotope full of plants that would theoretically clean any impurities out of the swimming water without needing evil chlorine.

To cut a long story short I was thankfully dissuaded from my idea by a friend biologist that pointed out that Bali never gets the kinds of temperatures (low) that would allow the water to be cleaned correctly of all the many microbes and bacteria (not to mention viruses) that can cause us humans so many problems. So I ended up with a swimming pool surrounded by another pond -looks nice but that's all.

Unless you have control of the source of the spring water I would be very cautious about building a pool from that water as the some of the nicest things the locals do in that water before it may get to you is - wash the motorbike, clean their cloths, water the cow and irrigate their fields (think drainage).

Being uphill here is king.


Jun 26, 2013
Songgon E Java
Thank you so much for your kind advise.

Fortunatly the 2 very high volume springs exit the ground on my propert, one is partly piped to feed the village 1Km away the second creates a 20 foot wide river that i have seen boys washing thier bikes in further down. The water is like ice cold and my neighbour has been drinking it directly for generations..

I wasn't sure if i used as a total loss system the pool would still remain clear providing when we build it doesnt have any dead water areas.

Thanks Lea


Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
It is amazing how things change when you walk on to the site, western tax. Are family going to run the place for you or are you retiring soon? Hope all goes well.

Sorry for late reply Fred but is run under family friend management and I will retire when all my debts are paid off in Oz.

Maybe around 2024.....



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Sounds wonderful Song. I would check with the head of the village if it's OK with them first - you making a pool out of "their" water. Get it in writing.

Please keep us informed and when the pool is finished throw a cold water/bintang party.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
I have a question that i hoping Mr Markit can answer.

It is possible to feed a pool directly from a fresh water spring / total loss system. No chemicals no pumps etc. I think i read in one earlier post Markit was also hoping to do this...Did it work?

Thank you in advance for your advise.

Darmada in Sidemen has a pool like this. You could go and have a look. Very friendly people who own the place.

Darmada Bali || Join Us now


Jun 26, 2013
Songgon E Java
Thank you balibule.

We are comming over the end of the month for 3 weeks so we shall go take a look.

Markit, I understand in the western world they throw painting parties by owners of new homes.
Are you interested to attend a digging / block laying party ? I think it will take long enough that we can still whisky from the spring as mode of payment...