not sure what to bring with me...... so was thinking i am moving to work so will probably buy gear in bali cheap stuff. 3 sets of shorts and t and a trainers and my suit trousers and 5 shirts for work normal lavatory stuff. i will be spending most of my time working a 5 1/2 day week so its not like a holiday, but was wondering how cheap it would be buy things like suit trousers and shirts and shorts and stuff. you know the simple things. i know i am being vague.
not sure what to bring with me...... so was thinking i am moving to work so will probably buy gear in bali cheap stuff. 3 sets of shorts and t and a trainers and my suit trousers and 5 shirts for work normal lavatory stuff. i will be spending most of my time working a 5 1/2 day week so its not like a holiday, but was wondering how cheap it would be buy things like suit trousers and shirts and shorts and stuff. you know the simple things. i know i am being vague.[/QUOTE]I don't know where you'll be working but suits and suit trousers in Bali are almost as rare as hen's teeth. But to answer your question, shorts and stuff are far less expensive here, especially if you're the size of the Balinese. My Balinese friends get gorgeous and often well-made latest fashion clothes at the market. Not the tourist markets but the traditional markets. Even the shops geared to tourists sell clothes for less than you'd get them at home.If you're not the size of the Balinese there are tailors all over Bali who do an excellent job. Take in a pair of your favourite shorts, choose a fabric, and ask him to make them like your sample. My husband only has one pair of shorts in many different colours. And I can't talk him into anything else. The pockets are just the way he wants them. The fit is perfect. The fabrics are his choice. He's in danger of me falling for a man just a tad less set in his ways.
not sure what to bring with me...... so was thinking i am moving to work so will probably buy gear in bali cheap stuff. 3 sets of shorts and t and a trainers and my suit trousers and 5 shirts for work normal lavatory stuff. i will be spending most of my time working a 5 1/2 day week so its not like a holiday, but was wondering how cheap it would be buy things like suit trousers and shirts and shorts and stuff. you know the simple things. i know i am being vague.[/QUOTE]You can get everything you need [inc suit trousers and trainers] in Hardys supermarket. Plenty of their shops around and very reasonable prices.
what about a fatty like me with 36inch waste lol
what about a fatty like me with 36inch waste lol[/QUOTE]Go to a good tailor and have them made. About one third of the price of western countries.
what about a fatty like me with 36inch waste lol[/QUOTE]Yes, size is an issue. Mat is right that Hardy's is worth checking, but they are mainly stocking for locals, and may not have larger sizes. You have to try everything - don't just look at the shirt that says XL and think that will be OK - it can be too tight under the arms or something like that.
Matahari has decent dress shirts, trousers, ties and suits. Not sure about sizes though but prices are ok. Might be worth a look.
haha get myself down to the gym lol
We do not know how the locals dress, so basic office gear from home and tailor garments when learning the local style might also work as a plan.
Jim In Holland
what about a fatty like me with 36inch waste lol[/QUOTE]A "fatty" has a 36-inch waist? I'm dooooomed...
another resurrected "Lazarus" posting but worth a reply: don't worry about your waste line and people you don't know will point your 'larger than 36 inch' girth and nod at you with a smile - they are not laughing at you, unless you and a blimp could be confused with each other, they are complimenting you on, what they see, an achievement they are envious of. Enjoy.
Jim In Holland
Fortunately I'm [I]not so [/I]gravitationally challenged, but I've always been on the meaty-boy side. When I'm in SE Asia, I also always lose weight as I'm walking more and just eating twice daily. It's the beer I need to watch out for.. :cool:
not sure what to bring with me...... so was thinking i am moving to work so will probably buy gear in bali cheap stuff. 3 sets of shorts and t and a trainers and my suit trousers and 5 shirts for work normal lavatory stuff. i will be spending most of my time working a 5 1/2 day week so its not like a holiday, but was wondering how cheap it would be buy things like suit trousers and shirts and shorts and stuff. you know the simple things. i know i am being vague.[/QUOTE]Indonesia is a major exporter of garments, so everyday clothing, such as shirts and shorts, is generally cheaper than those in developed countries. Also there are shopping centres, malls, department stores where you could get your everyday clothing in Bali. However, this is not always the case for suit trousers, particularly the one made of fine fabrics such as from wool fabric as they are typically only worn for special occasions, so not many people buy them. Also because they need special care, maintenance such as dry cleaning.In terms of trousers, size can also be an issue; you might find a colour that matches your suit but struggle with fit in terms of waist and in-seam. For suits, suit trousers of irregular size, people in Indonesia will typically opt for custom tailoring. Compared to Western countries, tailoring and other labour costs are relatively cheaper in Indonesia.