Sorry kids, if that is what it takes to reduce trade deficit, discourage imports and encouraging domestic production then you'll have to live with less things this year. God knows those spoiled American brats could do with a little wake up call anyway
Sorry kids, if that is what it takes to reduce trade deficit, discourage imports and encouraging domestic production then you'll have to live with less things this year. God knows those spoiled American brats could do with a little wake up call anyway[/QUOTE]Where are your spoiled brats from?
Where are your spoiled brats from?[/QUOTE]Obviously this OP doesn't understand., that American's don't want to work for pennies! The rich fat cats that run America, don't work at all. They have all the poor people, and the migrants, illegal or not, do all the work, and pay the Taxes! If all the illegal immigrants are run off, and families are broken apart, at the cost of Millions of dollars, America will collapse. They do all the menial labor, necessary to run the country. Just name it, an immigrant or poor American, does all the work. Hotels, restaurants, farms, factories, Nannies, etc! There are no factories to compete with imported goods! This is just hogwash from the Elites, telling the masses that it's the immigrants, to blame for the lack of jobs. And that they are taking all the jobs from Americans. And now, with this Orange Buffoon, becoming the next President, he wants to totally ruin the economy, by giving huge tax breaks to the Billionaire's, andMaking the cost of goods increase by creating tariffs! Unfortunately by the time the damage is done, and Medicare, Social security, and all the elderly, children, and poor people suffer, the idiots that voted for that Clown, will wake up, and realize that they were swindled into believing him! On top of that, the country is being controlled by a South African multibillionaire, that is buying control of America!