Have seen this on the news and wondering what is the situation like
Less bogans ?
I've never understood why such an adventurous, brave and usually fearless group of people like the Ozzies go running at the drop of a volcano cloud, earthquake or touch of weather? Especially when all others seem to simply ignore it and go the other way around. Mystifying!
such an adventurous, brave and usually fearless group of people like the Ozzies[/QUOTE]Hahahaha.... that one had me spill my morning tea....
As with most countries we like to have it that our boys (soldiers) are the bravest of the brave. When soldiers of other countries act braver we see them as fanatical. Anyone who puts on a uniform, takes up a gun and runs across a muddy field when told to charge and into the face of barbed wire and bullets is brave. And there are always spontaneous acts of individual heroism. But collectively?With the bombing of Darwin WW2 there was a mass panic and a rush for the highway heading south.
Here we go again. I went to some lengths yesterday in responding to ..."such an adventurous, brave and usually fearless group of people like the Ozzies". But then it didn't post.Most countries, including Australia, like to have it that we are the bravest and then, when in war, some other nationals are even braver (as with the Japanese WW2) we describe them as fanatics. There are always some extraordinary people who are capable ot heroism but bravery is often to do with the moment. After the Japanese bombed Darwin there was a huge panic with thousands rushing off to the long highway heading south and with many soldiers making up the numbers.As for "fearless Ozzies" I think I may have previously posted that the three greatest fears of Australians are:1 That someone will shake the world map and millions of Chinese will pour down into Australia.2 Being attacked by a shark notwithstanding that the you are eight times more likely to be killed while riding horses and more Australians die each years from dog attacks.3 Running out of toilet paper. Covid produced this mad supermarket stampede to stock up on toilet paper.
Here we go again. I went to some lengths yesterday in responding to ..."such an adventurous, brave and usually fearless group of people like the Ozzies". But then it didn't post.Most countries, including Australia, like to have it that we are the bravest and then, when in war, some other nationals are even braver (as with the Japanese WW2) we describe them as fanatics. There are always some extraordinary people who are capable ot heroism but bravery is often to do with the moment. After the Japanese bombed Darwin there was a huge panic with thousands rushing off to the long highway heading south and with many soldiers making up the numbers.As for "fearless Ozzies" I think I may have previously posted that the three greatest fears of Australians are:1 That someone will shake the world map and millions of Chinese will pour down into Australia.2 Being attacked by a shark notwithstanding that the you are eight times more likely to be killed white riding horses and more Australians die each years from dog attacks.3 Running out of toilet paper. Covid produced this mad supermarket stampede to stock up on toilet paper.[/QUOTE]That reminds me of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict. The Palestinians are called militants and the Israeli are called Defense fighters. While the Israeli's are killing civilians by the thousands now, with American, and European bombs! I hope the Israelis don't run out of toilet paper, while they kill for Peace?
We saw the braveness of the Aussies (and some other expats) during Covid when most ran home as fast as they could, just to be locked up in their own country / state...
Chris A
We saw the braveness of the Aussies (and some other expats) during Covid when most ran home as fast as they could, just to be locked up in their own country / state...[/QUOTE]Worth the whole watch......[URL='https://youtu.be/bd9Uftz1hfE']TC Oz Speech[/URL]
Worth the whole watch......[URL='https://youtu.be/bd9Uftz1hfE']TC Oz Speech[/URL][/QUOTE]I watched the whole speech and he did make many good points, But he forgot to mention the current society in Australia and America were built on European immigrants that came to these new continents that destroyed the indigenous peoples cultures, and took their land, and left them with marginal land and forced them to adapt to the new invaders culture!He was right about the cost of living as way out of proportionally too high, but he didn't have any solutions to fix the problem except get rid of the current government. He bashed Biden but didn't mention that Trump will do the same, as has every President before. He promoted using coal, and uranium like they are as clean as a baby's bottom, while putting down Green alternatives. He was right about Australia selling the coal to China then buying back Chinese made products. But he didn't offer alternatives. He said he would use nuclear bombs, but as a Christian promoted Peace and not harming others? He is a Trump loving fool, and is a major Kiss Ass! To Trump's authoritarian ideas of ruling America!
But he forgot to mention the current society in Australia and America were built on European immigrants[/QUOTE]Hola, hola, check your history books concerning Australia !
Hola, hola, check your history books concerning Australia ![/QUOTE]The history books that I grew up with had it that when Cook arrived there were a couple of minor skirmishes and then the common cold and other European diseases almost wiped out Aborigines. It is only in the last 40 years that the reality of massacres and dispossession has become common knowledge. And we are still unravellng the full story. Bear in mind that slavery of Aboriginal people on cattle stations in the north continued up until 1968 with legislation for equal wages which led to so many Aboriginal communities being pushed off what had always been their land. And it was not until 1967 that Aborigines were recognized as having citizenship rights.
Chris A
I watched the whole speech and he did make many good points, But he forgot to mention the current society in Australia and America were built on European immigrants that came to these new continents that destroyed the indigenous peoples cultures, and took their land, and left them with marginal land and forced them to adapt to the new invaders culture!He was right about the cost of living as way out of proportionally too high, but he didn't have any solutions to fix the problem except get rid of the current government. He bashed Biden but didn't mention that Trump will do the same, as has every President before. He promoted using coal, and uranium like they are as clean as a baby's bottom, while putting down Green alternatives. He was right about Australia selling the coal to China then buying back Chinese made products. But he didn't offer alternatives.He said he would use nuclear bombs, but as a Christian promoted Peace and not harming others? He is a Trump loving fool, and is a major Kiss Ass! To Trump's authoritarian ideas of ruling America![/QUOTE][B]"But he forgot to mention the current society in Australia and America were built on European immigrants that came to these new continents that destroyed the indigenous peoples cultures, and took their land, and left them with marginal land and forced them to adapt to the new invaders culture!"[/B]Grow up please, This has been going on since the beginning of human evolution and the habitation of earth. Perhaps you should feel the same way about the extinction of neanderthals....[B]"He was right about the cost of living as way out of proportionally too high, but he didn't have any solutions to fix the problem except get rid of the current government."[/B]The solution is to get rid of the government and the corresponding over-regulation of just about everything there that drives the excessively high taxes that trickles through everything.[B]He promoted using coal, and uranium like they are as clean as a baby's bottom, while putting down Green alternatives. He was right about Australia selling the coal to China then buying back Chinese made products. But he didn't offer alternatives.[/B]Please try to think outside of your propagandized brain and try to absorb some rational data in this article.[URL='https://blog.independent.org/2015/09/29/fossil-fuels-are-the-lifeblood-of-modern-civilization/']FF Article[/URL][B]He is a Trump loving fool, and is a major Kiss Ass! To Trump's authoritarian ideas of ruling America![/B]Dude, as I have mentioned before, you are probably unsalvageable due to your indoctrination and lazy approach to understanding the world we live in.
The history books that I grew up with had it that when Cook arrived there were a couple of minor skirmishes and then the common cold and other European diseases almost wiped out Aborigines. It is only in the last 40 years that the reality of massacres and dispossession has become common knowledge. And we are still unravellng the full story. Bear in mind that slavery of Aboriginal people on cattle stations in the north continued up until 1968 with legislation for equal wages which led to so many Aboriginal communities being pushed off what had always been their land. And it was not until 1967 that Aborigines were recognized as having citizenship rights.[/QUOTE]I was speaking about the deportation of British convicts, who later started a "new world".But I'll dig deeper in the subject !Not that French did better.... Cayenne and New Caledonia were penal colonies.
I was speaking about the deportation of British convicts, who later started a "new world".But I'll dig deeper in the subject !Not that French did better.... Cayenne and New Caledonia were penal colonies.[/QUOTE]Even today, here in Bali, I see people that come to work from surrounding islands, walk around with a look of fear in their eyes. They know they are poor, and not welcome. There is some serious prejudice going on here. I was speaking about the deportation of British convicts, who later started a "new world".But I'll dig deeper in the subject !Not that French did better.... Cayenne and New Caledonia were penal colonies.[/QUOTE]I was speaking about the deportation of British convicts, who later started a "new world".But I'll dig deeper in the subject !Not that French did better.... Cayenne and New Caledonia were penal colonies.[/QUOTE]Unbelievable that Aboriginals were kept as slaves until 1968. The education system in America still paints the false narrative that the pilgrims came to Plymouth Rock, and the local natives welcomed them, and held a big feast together, which came to be known as Thanksgiving. HAH, And that the Natives were hostile murdering savages, then look at what the greedy White invaders did. They took the best land and even purposely gave away blankets infected with Smallpox. They even had the nerve to call it Manifest Destiny. (Gods Will)
Chris A
Even today, here in Bali, I see people that come to work from surrounding islands, walk around with a look of fear in their eyes. They know they are poor, and not welcome. There is some serious prejudice going on here.Unbelievable that Aboriginals were kept as slaves until 1968. The education system in America still paints the false narrative that the pilgrims came to Plymouth Rock, and the local natives welcomed them, and held a big feast together, which came to be known as Thanksgiving. HAH, And that the Natives were hostile murdering savages, then look at what the greedy White invaders did. They took the best land and even purposely gave away blankets infected with Smallpox. They even had the nerve to call it Manifest Destiny. (Gods Will)[/QUOTE]You keep on speaking like the Native Americans were a monolithic culture throughout the US and that we should feel white colonial guilt and white guilt in general for the history of what occurred in the US. Cultures and man in general has been bad to each other throughout the evolution of man. Again, try to do something other than pushing a very lazy narrative that you leftist have become so very good at. How about providing us with links to articles to support your viewpoint? I'll go first....[URL='https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1742/native-american-enslavement-in-colonial-america/']Nat Am Slavery[/URL]
man in general has been bad to each other throughout the evolution of man.[/QUOTE]Man have been killing each other since the Neanderthalls! At least that time it was carbone neutral...It's not going to change any time soon..[USER=22703]@Shadrach[/USER], please join us in the real world !
Man have been killing each other since the Neanderthalls! At least that time it was carbone neutral...It's not going to change any time soon..[USER=22703]@Shadrach[/USER], please join us in the real world ![/QUOTE]Thanks, but no thanks, I like my alternate universe!
You keep on speaking like the Native Americans were a monolithic culture throughout the US and that we should feel white colonial guilt and white guilt in general for the history of what occurred in the US. Cultures and man in general has been bad to each other throughout the evolution of man.Again, try to do something other than pushing a very lazy narrative that you leftist have become so very good at. How about providing us with links to articles to support your viewpoint? I'll go first....[URL='https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1742/native-american-enslavement-in-colonial-america/']Nat Am Slavery[/URL][/QUOTE]I am not saying people should feel guilty now what our ancestors did. But just because people have been bad to each other, doesn't justify continued violence, and continued Stupidity. So are you saying leftist want a more peaceful world, and rightist want more violence and war? Is that your narrative?
I am not saying people should feel guilty now what our ancestors did. But just because people have been bad to each other, doesn't justify continued violence, and continued Stupidity. So are you saying leftist want a more peaceful world, and rightist want more violence and war? Is that your narrative?[/QUOTE]WTF leftist or rightist have to do with this ?Stop watching FOX and CNN !Or is that what they learn in your "alternate world" schools ?