I basically finished working as a journalist when I was in Kenya in 1992 but since then have maintained an interest in international affairs and each morning reference sources in Australia, Britain, the US, the Middle East, France, Singapore and Indonesia but always with a critical eye. Occasionally look at propaganda from China and tap into English newspapers in Africa and other parts of the world.[/QUOTE]Sounds about like my "relationship" with beautiful, young women but I don't still call myself "Adonis" though....
It seems Chris and Balifrog, have a blind eye when it comes to fascist dictators.[/QUOTE]Well, I respect REAL leaders...Men for who their country, it's population, pride and being respected comes first.My favorites : Xi Ping, Putin, Erdogan, Victor Orban.I can see Trump fit it with them !Europe sadly has only born losers at the helm. Macron and his baby technocrate croonies being a perfect example.Von Der Leyern in Brussels is the worst of all. Should be in jail.There is a good reason why the far right is progressing everywhere in Europe. And I one voting for them.Concerning the US, let's wait 2 or 3 months !But with Trumps big win, the Senate on his side, probably the House as well, and control over the Supreme Court, his opponents should start to worry.Because this time he will take no prisoners IMO.
Oh Shadrach, I think you need to look deeper into some of these issues to gain a better understanding of and a better informed opinion. First, I don't think that it is realistic to blame the present citizenry for what were colonial actions in the past - especially when it occurred ~ 3 centuries ago. Just out of curiosity, what is your view on the push by some black Americans for reparations?So, maybe think about the last 3.5 years of unfettered [B]illegal[/B] immigration sponsored by the liberal left. As I mentioned before, its main intent is to try and set up a reliable future voting block that the democrats would hope to use to remain in power for perpetuity. Another intent is to bring in cheap labor. Cheap labor by illegal immigrants does not contribute to the tax base and the social services the illegal immigrants receive cost the US taxpayers a sizable sum of money and in many cases, an overall erosion of services. Who benefits the most from cheap labor? Well, I don't think it's the middle class and would argue that it is the elite class. I will concede that immigration in general needs to be reformed, however dealing with the current mess needs to take precedence,You say it's time to equalize wealth more. I couldn't agree more as long as it's not a forced redistribution of wealth and based upon providing opportunities for people to raise themselves up. Of course in an authoritarian regime that is the democrat's end goal, there would be a lot of impetus to eliminate the middle class and have a lower class to rule over and have the government provide all that is needed.Again, let's keep the dialogue going to highlight and lowlight the actions of the upcoming republican lead government.[/QUOTE]What I was referring to was the forced annihilation of the natives already living on the land when the European invaders took over. The blacks were not a part of that beginning until the British brought slaves over to grow the tobacco, indigo, etc. if Black people want to repatriate, then thats fine with me. I want to live anywhere in the world I want. Not just Amerika. You really have it out for the Democrats don't you? There has been illegal immigration across the border forever. You are right about the many rich farmers, factory owners, are staunch Republicans, that benefit from the illegal immigrants. The middle class are only able to hire maybe a nanny, or housekeeper, gardener, etc. I recall hearing Kamala Harris speak about giving the middle class tax breaks for children, starting new businesses, even money to start businesses. You seem to confuse the words Trump was saying about him having ultimate power, and people never having to vote again. And using the military on American citizens. It doesn't seem fair that he was able to drag out the 38 felony convictions against him until after the election. If a normal citizen had those convictions, they would already be in prison. Now he has immunity. Such a disgrace to the people. Did you watch the insurrection against the White House he incited? That was not a love fest! But I really don't care anymore what that madman does, life will go on, and someday he will be dust in the wind! I just hope life there will be OK for all. Karma will come to all, if they're naughty or nice.
Well, I respect REAL leaders...Men for who their country, it's population, pride and being respected comes first.My favorites : Xi Ping, Putin, Erdogan, Victor Orban.I can see Trump fit it with them !Europe sadly has only born losers at the helm. Macron and his baby technocrate croonies being a perfect example.Von Der Leyern in Brussels is the worst of all. Should be in jail.There is a good reason why the far right is progressing everywhere in Europe. And I one voting for them.Concerning the US, let's wait 2 or 3 months !But with Trumps big win, the Senate on his side, probably the House as well, and control over the Supreme Court, his opponents should start to worry.Because this time he will take no prisoners IMO.[/QUOTE]Oh your so right about those Men. They are such great leaders that if speak against them you get disappeared. You probably liked Pol Pot too. That's freedom? So all you Power hungry far right people have at it . I don't give a damn. I feel sorry for the poor, old, immigrants, women, and children, that will suffer When you take away benefits for them and enrich the already rich.
Chris A
What I was referring to was the forced annihilation of the natives already living on the land when the European invaders took over. The blacks were not a part of that beginning until the British brought slaves over to grow the tobacco, indigo, etc. if Black people want to repatriate, then thats fine with me. I want to live anywhere in the world I want. Not just Amerika. You really have it out for the Democrats don't you? There has been illegal immigration across the border forever. You are right about the many rich farmers, factory owners, are staunch Republicans, that benefit from the illegal immigrants. The middle class are only able to hire maybe a nanny, or housekeeper, gardener, etc. I recall hearing Kamala Harris speak about giving the middle class tax breaks for children, starting new businesses, even money to start businesses. You seem to confuse the words Trump was saying about him having ultimate power, and people never having to vote again. And using the military on American citizens. It doesn't seem fair that he was able to drag out the 38 felony convictions against him until after the election. If a normal citizen had those convictions, they would already be in prison. Now he has immunity. Such a disgrace to the people. Did you watch the insurrection against the White House he incited? That was not a love fest! But I really don't care anymore what that madman does, life will go on, and someday he will be dust in the wind! I just hope life there will be OK for all. Karma will come to all, if they're naughty or nice.[/QUOTE]Again, you have bought the narrative hook line and sinker with regard to Trump and in turn the republican party. As I mentioned, let's keep the dialogue going as Trump's term progresses. As that Trump is trying to dismantle the deep state, it is not likely the mainstream media will provide accurate reporting so it's going to take large undisputedly successful events to get it through to you folks. Would you agree that a cessation to the war in the Ukraine and in / with Isreal a good thing? Let's see. How about the expulsion of 10+ million illegal immigrants starting with the worst criminals? I have a challenge for you. Try getting your information from podcasts as opposed to the mainstream media. Search out both liberal and conservative podcast hosts and decide for yourself what makes more sense. Open your mind. If you're using a VPN, go to Try Joe Rogan that is very middle of the road and has a liberal background. It's very entertaining. I look forward to the continued dialogue.
Let's not keep this dialogue open.This site is called Balipod, all things about Bali.There are so many other sites available for political dialogue so give them a go and leave this site for people who live, visit or have an interest in Bali and it's people.There are literally hundreds of other sites on which to bang your drums for which ever ideology you support.Please leave this site for Bali.
A major element is the cost of living and affordable housing either for rent or buying. Raising tariffs on imports will have an immediate inflationary effect as apart from food, probably 80% of what people are buying comes from China. It will be interesting to see how Trump approaches his objectives of ending war in the Middle East and Ukraine. A lot to try and achieve in just 4 years.[/QUOTE]Man, the US has enough problems, but bickering between Red and Blue seems more important...- Racism is horrible in the US- Drug use out of control- Opoids rampant- Mass murders every week- No proper Social Security, medical coverage for all- Pension system for the rich only- Homeless people out of control- The American dream now is combining 2 part time jobs at Mc Donald- Religious zealots brainwashing the peopleAnd I could go on.....[/QUOTE]Have returned to the US, and although not pleased with the outcome of the election, suggest you changed your brand of comic book.
Let's not keep this dialogue open.This site is called Balipod, all things about Bali.There are so many other sites available for political dialogue so give them a go and leave this site for people who live, visit or have an interest in Bali and it's people.There are literally hundreds of other sites on which to bang your drums for which ever ideology you support.Please leave this site for Bali.[/QUOTE]Disagree 100%There are things way more interesting in life than Bali gossip....
Chris A
Let's not keep this dialogue open.This site is called Balipod, all things about Bali.There are so many other sites available for political dialogue so give them a go and leave this site for people who live, visit or have an interest in Bali and it's people.There are literally hundreds of other sites on which to bang your drums for which ever ideology you support.Please leave this site for Bali.[/QUOTE]Ah, the censor-ist. If it does not fit into what you want to talk about or does not fit the narrative, then it must stop. GFY
Again, you have bought the narrative hook line and sinker with regard to Trump and in turn the republican party. As I mentioned, let's keep the dialogue going as Trump's term progresses. As that Trump is trying to dismantle the deep state, it is not likely the mainstream media will provide accurate reporting so it's going to take large undisputedly successful events to get it through to you folks. Would you agree that a cessation to the war in the Ukraine and in / with Isreal a good thing? Let's see. How about the expulsion of 10+ million illegal immigrants starting with the worst criminals?I have a challenge for you. Try getting your information from podcasts as opposed to the mainstream media. Search out both liberal and conservative podcast hosts and decide for yourself what makes more sense. Open your mind. If you're using a VPN, go to Try Joe Rogan that is very middle of the road and has a liberal background. It's very entertaining.I look forward to the continued dialogue.[/QUOTE]I really don't care about that fat Orange Toad. I wish him and his cronies could be rounded up, put on an island with 1 coconut tree, and 1 pocket knife. That would be a nice way to end this nightmare, and get rid of those worst criminals! Yes please include Putin and Netanyahu, The other 10 million can stay. Without them, no more KFC, or Mc'Donald's. Who do you think processes all that chicken and beef? By the what is the deep state? Is it below Texas?
Chris A
I really don't care about that fat Orange Toad. I wish him and his cronies could be rounded up, put on an island with 1 coconut tree, and 1 pocket knife. That would be a nice way to end this nightmare, and get rid of those worst criminals! Yes please include Putin and Netanyahu,The other 10 million can stay. Without them, no more KFC, or Mc'Donald's. Who do you think processes all that chicken and beef?By the what is the deep state? Is it below Texas?[/QUOTE]Shadrach, it is going to be my mission to open your eyes and wake you up. The worldscape has changed so much as evidenced by the shift in the politics or values of the two main political parties although there are still plenty of members of the republican party that are deeply rooted and invested in the establishment. At the moment, you could probably define two parties - the uniparty and MAGA. I know that MAGA elicits a very visceral response by many, but you are programmed to have that response. The uniparty is the democrats and establishment republicans that are tied to among other things unpatriotic, the military industrial complex that promote there being continual wars. MAGA's mission is on the other hand, is to return the country to its constitutional roots and return power to the people. If you do a search of "the deep state" the search results for the most part is that it is yet another conspiracy theory. Just for fun, how many recent conspiracy theories have turned out to be true? Big tech is in on the gig and it is no surprise that the search results are horribly biased. [URL='']Deep State Article[/URL] Here's a link to an article that does a decent job of describing the deep state.
Ah, the censor-ist. If it does mot fit into what you want to talk about or does not fit the narrative, then it must stop. GFY[/QUOTE]It's shocking, even in the presentation.I mean, the same could have been suggested in a more polite, diplomatic way, like "I am not sure this fits in the profile of this forum" or " is a political section necessary ?"But no, it's directly " This has no place here because I say so, and it doesn't suit my ideas"This thread can keep running IMHO as long it stays civil, which it is at the moment.
I really don't care about that fat Orange Toad. I wish him and his cronies could be rounded up, put on an island with 1 coconut tree, and 1 pocket knife. That would be a nice way to end this nightmare, and get rid of those worst criminals! Yes please include Putin and Netanyahu,The other 10 million can stay. Without them, no more KFC, or Mc'Donald's. Who do you think processes all that chicken and beef?By the what is the deep state? Is it below Texas?[/QUOTE]Well, well.... and you call others "dictators" ?Worst criminals ? What about those who killed 3 million Vietnamese ? What about those who invaded without reasons Afghanistan and Iraq ?At least Trump ended the Afghanistan war / occupation, and he will end the Ukraine war (iniated by his predecessors..)Not sure about the Palestine war, considering the immense Jewish lobby in the US, and even Trump can not go against them.
I feel sorry for the poor, old, immigrants, women, and children, that will suffer When you take away benefits for them and enrich the already rich.[/QUOTE]And what have you done concretely in your life to help them ?Did you at least vote in the last elections ?Because if you didn't, you have zero right to complain....BTW, we have a few million illegal immigrants in Europe, result of your governments of all sides messing up the M.E. since 30 years. We'll happily send them over to you who are their "liberators" !
And what have you done concretely in your life to help them ?Did you at least vote in the last elections ?Because if you didn't, you have zero right to complain....BTW, we have a few million illegal immigrants in Europe, result of your governments of all sides messing up the M.E. since 30 years. We'll happily send them over to you who are their "liberators" ![/QUOTE]Oh come on, don't attack me for caring about people. I am not complaining as you say. I am only one man, I am not responsible for all the injustice done to people in foreign lands. It is sad that so many people feel afraid and unable to live in their own home country, and want or have to, try and find a new life in Europe, or America. Try to find some compassion Man!
After seeing the recent election in America, I will no longer take part in political discussions. Everyone has a different opinion which they are entitled to. I have seen that regardless of who is in control of the current government, their time will end and another will replace them. Life goes on. I feel more now to just go back to growing my garden, being nice to people, enjoying life. So there will be no need for comments on such subjects. I'd rather talk about growing food, and orchids, or cooking different foods. Have a nice day!
Chris A
Oh come on, don't attack me for caring about people. I am not complaining as you say. I am only one man, I am not responsible for all the injustice done to people in foreign lands. It is sad that so many people feel afraid and unable to live in their own home country, and want or have to, try and find a new life in Europe, or America. Try to find some compassion Man![/QUOTE]Shadrach, on some level I admire your naive altruism and i think it comes from your heart, however on a global or worldwide scale, the mass migration (mostly illegal) seen over the last couple of decades is not rooted in altruism. It has been done to break down societies and cultures with the intent of creating a more homogeneous and compliant society that will fit better in a globalist utopia. Migration based on meritocracy and actually improving the host country by bringing wealth, expertise, and investment is a far better model than migration that only is a burden on the host country and society.
Oh come on, don't attack me for caring about people. I am not complaining as you say. I am only one man, I am not responsible for all the injustice done to people in foreign lands. It is sad that so many people feel afraid and unable to live in their own home country, and want or have to, try and find a new life in Europe, or America. Try to find some compassion Man![/QUOTE]I have as much compassion for them as they would have for me if I was illegally in their country... Try it here !Danemark and the Netherlands had a very liberal immigration policy, they are now paying the price for it.Trump didn't start anti immigration policies :[URL][/URL]The United States imposed several limitations on immigration during the Gold Rush, including:[LIST][*][B]Foreign Miners License Law[/B]: In 1850, California charged non-U.S. citizens $20 per month.[/LIST]
Migration based on meritocracy and actually improving the host country by bringing wealth, expertise, and investment is a far better model than migration that only is a burden on the host country and society.[/QUOTE]Spot on ! Like we did in France after WW2. Plenty immigrants from Italy and Spain to help rebuild the country, but they came to work. They integrated and their descendants as well !
A long article on the US policy history on immigration for those who think it started with Trump ![URL][/URL]This chart shows perfectly what is happening....And that is only the legally, registred part...[ATTACH type="full"]4159[/ATTACH]