New SEZs Established for Education and Health

Secretary General of the SEZ National Council, Rizal Edwin Manansang, announced on Thursday (10/10/24,) that the Indonesian government has established two new special economic zones (SEZs), in Banten and Batam, according to reporting from Antara News.

The Banten International Education, Technology, and Health SEZ and the Batam International Health Tourism SEZ each have “a specific development focus and are expected to have a significant impact on the economy, create jobs, and attract investment,” said Manansang, adding that the two new SEZs reflected the government’s efforts to boost the national economy’s competitiveness by developing strategic sectors.

The Banten International SEZ, has an area of 59.68 hectares (ha) and is located in Tangerang District, will focus on education and international health services through the use of digital technology, says Antara News.

With an investment target of IDR 18.8 trillion, or around USD 1.1 billion, this SEZ is expected to absorb up to 13,446 workers when fully operational and will become a location for an international education center with the existence of a world-class university, followed by technology development, with a target of 100 startups, and an integrated health sector, as well as creative industries.

Meanwhile, the Batam International Health Tourism SEZ, has an investment target of IDR 6.91 trillion, or around USD 440 million, and a labor absorption potential of 105,406 workers. The special area is targeted to become operational in 2026, according to Antara News, adding that the development of the Batam International Health Tourism SEZ is expected to save foreign exchange reserves of up to IDR 500 billion.

“This will strengthen Batam’s position as a competitive regional health tourism destination while reducing foreign exchange loss by improving domestic medical services so that Indonesians no longer need to seek treatment abroad,” Manansang said.


Source: Antara News

Stock image by Jürgen Rübig from Pixabay

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