Indonesia and Germany to Reduce Land and Sea Degradation

Tempo is reporting that Bappenas, Indonesia’s National Development Planning Agency, is cooperating with the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection of the Federal Republic of Germany to reduce land and sea degradation in Indonesia.

The cooperation program is called Integrated Land and Sea Landscape Management Solutions in Indonesia (SOLUSI), with pilot areas in Central Java, the Bangka Belitung Islands, and Central Sulawesi.

Ministerial Secretary of Bappenas, Teni Widuriyanti said in an official statement on Wednesday (24/1/24,) that “as one of the green economy implementation strategies, SOLUSI will contribute to maintaining environmental sustainability in Indonesia by increasing ecosystem resilience and creating climate-resilient livelihoods,” reports Tempo.

“It integrates the implementation of green and blue economies, involving biodiversity, low-carbon development and climate resilience, environmental capacity, and sustainable development,” she explained.

Tempo says that Indonesia is a mega-biodiversity country with great natural resource potential. One of the challenges faced is the degradation of land and sea as well as the impact of climate change, so integrated management for sustainable development is a priority.

Integration of land and sea and cross-sectoral management includes addressing partial land and sea landscapes with Regional Spatial Plans and Zoning Plans for Coastal Areas and Small Islands, says Tempo, adding that SOLUSI will provide support to all sectors, involving both central and local stakeholders.

The program will improve spatial planning and development, introduce sustainable business models, develop ecotourism, and manage integrated waste at ecotourism sites. In addition, SOLUSI becomes a catalyst for sustainable management of terrestrial and aquatic systems, say Tempo.

“SOLUSI should be part of the solution for the upcoming National Medium-Term Development Plan 2025-2029. Thus, ministries, local governments, and development partners must collaborate. We can realize Indonesia’s Vision 2045: a Sovereign, Advanced, and Sustainable Archipelago together,” Widuriyati said.


Source: Tempo

Stock Image by jorono from Pixabay

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