Ahmad Yani Airport Opens Direct Flights to Bali

Tempo are reporting that Semerang’s Ahmad Yani International Airport opened a direct flight route to Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport on Tuesday (26/09/23), which will operate daily with Lion Air Group planes.

The schedule for this flight starts at 14:00 WITA from Denpasar to Semarang, while the route from Semarang to Denpasar is scheduled for 18:00 WIB.

Fajar Purwawidada, the General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I Ahmad Yani Airport, mentioned that the Semarang-Bali route has been long anticipated by aviation service users, report Tempo.

“As the airport management, we try to fulfill that need by conducting continuous coordination with airline companies to realize [the route],” he said in a written statement on Wednesday (27/09/23). Fajar added that he hopes the new route will boost the number of passengers and routes to Ahmad Yani Airport.

Previously, the airport operated direct flights to Saudi Arabia using planes from Lion Air Group.

Source: Tempo

Photo by Jeffry Surianto on Pexels

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